Record Keeping

Time slipped by and a few months have now passed. The girls and I have really done a number on the city. We had finally found a library and a school full of info disks and other learning materials. This has helped us a lot. My daughters have sprouted like bean sprouts. It seems that Rika's race grows fast until they hit their teens. They are only about five months old and they already look like they are three years old. Rika said that once they are about one year old they will look almost seven years old. What amazes me was their learning ability. All four girls are able to read and speak Corian and Dumacan. This has helped a lot especially now that we are generally speaking on Dumacan now. All the girls were quick to learn once we started holding actual lessons. 

We had slowed down the amount of sex we were having now that we have kids running around. The only difference is that Tai is now pregnant and is expecting within the next few months. Caeda is also pregnant but Caeda's race takes almost four years to conceive.  Tai is now on short duty since I did not want her working hard while she was in her last two months of pregnancy. 

Recently we have made leaps and bounds in our golems and runes. We now have humanoid type golems that do most of the work for us within the ruins. We also have a few that do housework and other simple chores. This gives us time to work on the later part of things. Our house now has almost twenty basement levels. Most of which are bedrooms. We have also started to expand outwards. The original entrance now has a path that leads to an underground space that will be turned into an underground city. Sola and I have been slowly working on the area for about two hours a day.

I think the biggest progress this past month has been getting the girls to activate runes. It seems that over time the races of Cora have gained the ability to use runes. Because of this, we have been able to do much much more. We have finally developed some weapons so now the girls can protect themselves. I myself have a chainsaw sword that when the rune on it is activated the saw blade will whirl around at a high speed. This is activated by using a wind rune that blows on a cog while at a high speed to make the saw blade move. This works out well since there are a lot of armor demonic beasts that roam the surface.

Rio has a sniper rifle type gun that can fire out many different types of magic based on what is needed at the time. The inner workings were designed by Rio herself. She uses basically the same concept as what a rail gun would use but instead of magnets, she uses wind force. She got the idea of using wind after watching me create my sword.

Caeda probably has the most amazing weapon out of all of them. True to her elfish appearance she created a bow. But this bow does not need any arrows. It was inscribed in a way that based on how she pulls it back she can fire off different element arrows and buy hitting a few other runes she can fire multiple arrows at once.

Tai went with a set of magic claws that are sharp claws made of wind but can be enhanced with other elements to make the wind attribute combine with the new element. Her race has always been on the agile side so these were a perfect weapon for her quick reflexes. 

Rika well she went with a large hammer. She came up with this idea after listening to one of my stories of a rabbit who used a hammer while traveling with an other worlder. Of course, I did change a few things and left out the fact that the lead was male. But I kept the main part of the story of the lead being betrayed and falling down a hole to have to survive until he met a vampire girl. Well, long story short she liked the idea of a booster propelled hammer. It also activates different magic elements on impact causing it to be a very dangerous weapon indeed.

We created these weapons in order to begin our work, top side. We wanted to start building walls to enclose the area that we were currently in. We would slowly expand our way outward but for now, this was the best method. We had found a book that had theories on creating protective shields and had expanded on these theories. We are still in the process of actually completing an actual protective shield though. So far now it is all just a concept. But once it is finished and we can use it to dome off the top side from the elements and demonic beasts then we will be able to truly start building our kingdom.

All this progress was done within only a few months after finding the library and school. I can not even fathom where we will be in the next ten or twenty years. I can say that I am very excited to see what we accomplish in that time. 

"Sora what are you doing?" Rio asked me as she walked into my office. 

"I am just writing a diary I guess you could say. I am trying to keep a record of all the progress we make over time." I answered. I had decided to make a diary or journal, whatever you want to call it, to keep a record of how we started and the progress we made over time. So that future generations when I am dead will know how the kingdom they live in was created from the ground up. 

"That's an awesome idea! Can I read it?" Rio's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Un! Come here!" I pulled Rio into my lap so she could see what was written on my screen. I was using one of those desks that we had found in one of  the buildings that had a computer built into it. I sat there and hugged Rio while she swung her legs back and forth reading what I had written so far.