Meeting the combat instructor

It's been two years since the fireball incident as it's become known much to both the pride and shame of the instigator. Alex, Lily and Anna are all 8 years old now and all 3 of them are fidgeting in the foyer of the mansion standing along with Zakath, Mira and Hubert as they wait for the combat instructor and Lily's alchemy instructor, they received word that they would be arriving soon.

The flap of large wings can suddenly bear heard and a slight boom and shake of the ground occurs as the dragon lands, they can hear the thumps of people dropping off the dragon, a few moments latter a tall man with slicked back black hair wanders in bows politely and grins, "Your guests have arrived"

"Did you have a good flight Cain?" Asked Zakath

"Passable" responded Cain, "It might have been better if she hadn't been threatening to chop off my head every 30 minutes."

Zakath laughed "Nice to know she hasn't changed"

"Who hasn't changed?" a raspy but still feminine voice called out, following the voice a woman standing at around 1.8 meters strode into the foyer, encased in armor it was hard to make out her figure, but she sported steely grey eyes and a near expressionless face with dark brown hair pulled back into a solid braid with what looks like cat ears poking out. She was definitely a woman who would be worth a second glance. Even if that glance was likely to get your teeth knocked out.

Chuckling heartily Zakath spoke, "Welcome to my place Melli" Zakath heard a groan from behind him as Hubert muttered "Anyone but her", noticing someone hiding away behind the woman, "Who did you bring along?" queried Zakath.

Melli reached behind her and dragged a young girl to the fore, "I would like to introduce you all this adorable ball of fluff is my daughter Kayla. Standing there was an young girl sporting prominent cat like ears and what appears to be a tail unlike her mother her hair is a deep midnight blue with her eyes take after Melli being steel grey in color. Zakath Mira and Hubert all looked at Melli in shock.

"H hello" Kayla stuttered out

Melli looked down at her daughter and her face softened for a moment, "She is a little fireball in a duel but tends to be very shy with strangers".

Hubert muttered "Please don't use the term fireball as a descriptor of someone". Everyone who heard him grinned while Alex flushed red in embarrassment, while the newcomers just look confused.

We all thought you were joking about having a kid turns out we should have known better that you never joke around", Mira said a wry smile on her face, "So who is the father?".

"Lloyd" Melli stated.

"The company's chef? Why does it not surprise me you fell for the man who feeds you" quipped Zakath.

"Enough of this" Melli snaps as she gets down to business, which brat am I training.

Zakath gestured to Alex and Anna, "The one in the middle is Alex and is the primary reason you are here the young girl is Anna my granddaughter, the girl on the other girl is Lily my other granddaughter and she will be under the tutelage of Reeves.

Suddenly a voice echoed out "Your all getting old what if I had been planning to kidnap the young ones" A robed and hooded figure appeared close behind Lily one arm extended towards her.

"Reeves don…" the three of them tried to warn him

A small bolt of lightning slammed into Reeves blasting him back a number of meters as he slammed into the ground.

"Don't do that again" growled Alex his golden eyes practically glowing.

"Okay everyone calm down, Melli and Reeves come with me to my study Hubert you had better come as well, you three tykes take Kayla somewhere to play, the trio noded then moved over to Kayla the introduced themselves and headed towards the library.

Zakath guided his guests to his study room, then sealed it with magic so no one could hear what was about to be said.

"Alright Zakath spill what is going on here" snapped Reeves who was still pissed at being floored by an eight year old.

Zakath sighed and began recounting of the past eight years.

"So you're saying that you found a full blooded dragon tamer, who also happens to have dual mastery level affinities and at the age of 8 is close to a 3rd class mage in magical strength?" Melli questioned.

Reeves just sat there with a dumbfounded look on his face as if he couldn't process it all, Hubert just sympathetically patted him on the shoulder.

"I'm in, where do I sign up Kayla for his harem?" Melli unexpectedly stated.

*cough* "No sign ups required" Zakath choked slightly on his drink, "pretty much if a girl can catch his eye and heart it's all fine by us but we refuse to turn him into breeding stud to bring the dragon tamers back"

"Fair enough she has 4 years to gain a place in his heart and I can already tell he is fiercely protective of those who have already claimed a place" she shot an amused glance at Reeves.

Meanwhile in the Library

Kayla was sitting with the trio and hesitantly asked how Alex had knocked down Reeves. Magic Alex had replied drawing a skeptical look from Kayla.

"You're way too young to be a mage" exclaimed Kayla.

"Why are you so sure I'm not a mage?" asked Alex curiously.

Kayla frowned"No one as young as you can be a mage, everyone knows even the youngest mages are at least twenty years old".

Alex thought about it for a second then out of nowhere a fireball appeared and was tossed up in the air as it descended a second third and fourth joined it and Alex was standing in the middle of the library juggling fireballs, then as suddenly as they appeared as each fireball reached the apex of its flight with a light bamf they faded out and the temperature went a couple of notches.

"Let's head out to the training field it should be cooler than in here". Alex chirped as Kayla looked on dumbfounded.

Once they made outside to the courtyard, they sat down in a circle and decided seeing they would be spending the next 4 years in each other's company it would be a good idea to get to know each other, Alex explained his origins, which definitely not what Kayla was expecting, then Anna took over and went on about starting their own adventuring team, finally Lily spoke about wanting to be part of the adventuring team but would rather provide support with potions and other goodies.

Kayla looked at the three people and sighed a little at them being so honest with her because now she felt obliged to share the truth as well. Kayla eventually chose to open up to the trio telling that she didn't really have any idea what she wanted to do with her life, she only knew that mercenary work wasn't for her.

Smiling at her "Tell you what if you still don't know what you want to be when we form our party would you consider joining us until you find the thing you want to do with your life?" asked Alex with a genuine and bright smile.

Kayla felt stunned at the innocent sincerity of the offer and she just stared dazedly into those golden eyes. Snapping out of her daze Kayla returned the smile and said simply "I would love too".

Shortly after that Melli and Zakath walked out of the building,

"Oi brat" Melli called out "time to see what you can do"

Zakath interrupted looking at Alex, "No magic"

"Well this is combat training I wasn't expecting to be allowed to use spells it would kind of defeat the whole point of the exercise" Alex snickered.

Melli nodded seriously then told him if that was the case she just want him to hold out for as long possible while she attacked.

The ensuing spectacle had Zakath in stitches as Alex dodged, ducked, dived and dodged, with Lily and Anna caught between worry and laughter, the only one not laughing was Kayla who watched in amazement as an 8 year old child lasted longer than most mercs in the company could.

Melli was truly happy this little brat was a gem in need of polishing his instincts were impeccable as were his reflexes, she took it up another notch and shortly Alex was sitting on his ass with a wooden sword at this throat.

"Not bad kid" Melli said, "you'll have magic in the morning until lunch then your all mine until dinner".

Alex groaned somewhat looks like I have a very busy 4 years ahead of me