The Academy

Alex bowed slightly then introduced himself "Hi I'm Alex, I believe I have been enrolled here for the next 5 years".

Kayla then stepped up next to Alex and following suit "I am Kayla, like Alex I have been enrolled here for the next 5 years".

The person who greeted them chuckled "It's obvious you haven't been teaching them Cain if they are capable of displaying manners".

Cain grinned but said nothing.

"Speaking of manners where are mine, I am Godfrey Hammerhand master artificer and Dean of the academy. The opening ceremony was last week so you're a tad late but given what I understand of your training you are mostly here to learn how to integrate into society yes?".

Alex and Kayla nodded together

"Most excellent, maybe we can learn something from the both of you during your stay here" Godfrey smiled.

Cain chuckled, "He didn't tell you who their teachers were did he?".

Godfrey threw him a puzzled look.

"Oh this is priceless I can't believe he forgot to tell you" Cain laughed harder.

Godfrey was starting to get annoyed

Seeing the look on his face, Cain composed himself but still couldn't get the grin off his face "Let me introduce you to Alex the last disciple of the Omni Magus Hubert Pennteller for the past 6 years, and also happens to be the disciple of Lady Melliandra for the past 4 years, oh and this little ball of fluff is Kayla the daughter of Lady Melliandra."

Godfreys jaw was about to drop off, "If you don't mind my asking Alex what classification have you been given for your magic and martial abilities?".

Pondering for a second Alex replied, "Uncle Hubert says I'm equal to a grade 2 mage although I haven't officially tested yet and Aunt Melli says both me and Kayla are captain class fighters.

Monsters they are both monsters Godfrey thought to himself, forget the students the teachers could probably learn from them.

Cain was just sniggering off to the side.

"Alright kids I got you here in one piece, I leave the rest in Godfrey's hands catch you around" he spouted and jumped straight up unfolding dragon wings and then fully transforming as he left just like that.

Godfrey collected himself "Come along young ones I'll get you to your class, you will be together for the first year but that won't be guaranteed in following years".

Alex and Kayla both looked around with curiosity as Godfrey led them to their class, stopping outside gestured for them to wait there, he opened the door and interrupted the class, he had a quick word with the teacher, who promptly announced that the two missing class mates had arrived as he gestured for them to come in and introduce themselves.

As Alex and Kayla and stepped into the room, silence pervaded with all eyes glued to them, Alex stepped forward and with his best dazzling smile he introduced himself, "Pleasure to meet you all, my name is Alex I look forward to getting you know you all".

Kayla took in the scene and sighed to herself, she adopted her mother's stoic look and stepped forward, "Pleasure, I'm Kayla" she deadpanned.

The teacher asked if anyone had questions for the two in order to help them get to know the class.

One boy asked if Alex was going to specialize in magic or martial, Alex told him he would be doing both as that was how he was taught up until now. One boy piped up asking how that was possible to do that as most people didn't awaken their mana until they were 12, Alex had a puzzled look on his face, as he dropped a bomb explaining he had awakened his mana at age 6 and has been learning magic for the past 6 years.

A boy stood up excitedly, "You mean you can already cast magic that's so cool, can you show us anything?".

Alex pondered for a second then smirked at Kayla when he started juggling 4 fireballs, she thought back to when they first met and smiled at him as each fireball vanished with a light bampf.

"Hmm it's gotten a bit warm in here", then the room felt a fresh breeze blow through the room as the windows popped open and circulated the warm air out", Alex used his wind magic to cool the room down a little application of space magic to pop the windows open.

The whole class was staring at Alex with starry eyes, "Too much?" he asked no one in particular.

The teacher asked a question before the students got over their excitement at the display, "I recognised fire and wind element but how did you open the windows?".

"Oh that was space magic" Alex responded

"You're a space mage", the teacher seemed shocked.

Shaking his head Alex clarified, "My two highest affinities are wind and fire, then space then the rest".

The teachers brain seemed to melt at this, "Oh"

A girl at the front of the class asked Kayla what specialty she would take, there was quite a bit of surprise when she said martial, then told everyone she had grown up in a mercenary camp but she didn't want that life so she was aiming to be an adventurer.

The teachers brain seemed to have restarted itself and asked the two to take a seat so he could start the lesson.

The day passed without further incident Kayla and Alex got along well with everyone. Class was fairly boring for him as he knew most of it, but there were the odd parts that held his focus so it wasn't completely unbearable, but he really missed Lily and Anna.

Once the day wrapped up the two of them were given a tour by their classmates showing them where their dorms were, they had already been to the cafeteria the food was decent at least, not like he could complain he wasn't paying for it.

During the tour they saw a group of third years sparring after stopping to watch a while their classmates thought it was really awesome, Alex and Kayla just looked at each other and thought the same thing *Weak*.

They all headed towards the dorms to get some rest just as they were about to go their different ways, Kayla hugged Alex who instinctively wrapped his arms around her waist, looking up at him while copying her mother's signature blank look she just said "Kiss?"

Alex grinned and lowered his head to hers giving her a quick kiss.

Giving her a squeeze he released her from the hug, the shocked faces of their classmates looked on. Kayla blushing slightly moved over the girls most of whom were blushing, you could hear them in hushed conversation as the left, Alex turned to his male classmates, when a barrage of how, what, why, when were fired in his direction. He calmly responded by say that they were going out and had been training together for four years prior to coming here he also let slip that she wasn't his only girlfriend, then that titbit dropped out they asked where the others were, he told them that they were undergoing special training for the next 5 years so he wouldn't get to see them until he was ready to graduate.

Time passed uneventfully and Alex and Kayla are already into their second year at the academy. For the most part it has been smooth sailing apart from two particularly stubborn annoyances.

Sitting in the cafeteria the two of them had just finished lunch when someone walked up to the table, "Hi Kayla, fancy seeing you here"

"Its lunch time and we both live in the dorms it's not a stretch of the imagination that we would run into each as much as I wish that wasn't the case, Gregory", Kayla almost hissed out.

The idiots grin didn't falter for a moment, "Don't be like that listen a group of use are going out for drinks tonight I wondered if you want to come".

Kayla snapped this had been going on for 6 months now and she was pissed off, "Listen little boy you and your shit eating grin can go shove a red hot poker up your ass to get your jollies off for all I care but if you come near me again I swear I will rip your balls off and shove the down your throat, now piss off".

Alex just stared at her then grinned a bit as he remembered she was raised in a mercenary camp of course she knows how to cuss someone out like that.

Gregory face turned dark then he made a mistake he reached out to grab her, a voice rang out, if that arm moves one more inch towards my girlfriend you will lose it.

Gregory turned to face Alex, "Oh really who is going to do that the chicken who refuses to fight anyone in spar".

It's true Alex had declined all the spars, mainly for fear of seriously injuring someone also sparring with them would bring him no benefits and just crush their confidence so he only sparred with Kayla as they are around the same level.

"Either I do or she does either way you will lose it so why don't you take my girlfriends advice and piss off". Alex replied in a cold voice.

His hand twitched towards Kayla, bad move, Alex slams him with an electrical jolt just enough to knock him down and incapacitate him for a while no lasting damage, after all he didn't want to cause to much trouble for the Dean.

"What is going on here!" a voice screeched out.

"Oh great", mumbled Alex, "the other annoyance, they must run in a pack".

A woman rushed over to the prone Gregory.

"How dare you assault a student", she screeched at Alex.

Alex calmly responds, "I didn't assault him Mrs Shrewt. "I simply taught him a lesson about getting handsy with my girlfriend after words failed".

"I see then I shall follow your example and I shall duel you to teach you a lesson about assaulting a student", her narrowed eyes glaring at me maliciously.

Alex had no idea what her problem was with him probably hate at first sight but she had been on his case since they first met, initially he was curious now he didn't care in the slightest and he was going to teach her the lesson of her life.

Alex sighed, "Fine, see you on the training ground bright and early say 9am", Alex got up with Kayla and walked towards the exit "Oh Mrs Shrewt make sure you inform the dean if he is not present then the dual does not occur".

Half an hour later after Gregory had been dropped off in the infirmary Mrs Shrewt was standing in front the Dean harping on about how terrible of an influence Alex is and how he should be expelled, Godfrey already knew what had happened and also knew everything she was spouting was hot air because he kept a close eye on Alex and Kayla and found both of them to be excellent students and never did anything unsavoury.

"So do you agree?", asked Mrs Shrewt.

"To what", Asked Godfrey, he honestly had stopped listening about five minutes ago.

"To the duel" almost yelled

"With whom are you duelling", he questioned.

"Alex of course haven't you been paying attention this is the perfect opportunity to put him in his place" squawked Mrs Shrewt

Godfrey looked at her as if looking at a madwoman while in his head he screamed out *are you insane that boy will tear you to pieces*. "Very well if you feel it is necessary then I will allow it but if you lose then you will also lose your position here is that clear", Godfrey sounded out in an authoritarian manner seeing this as a good opportunity to finally get rid of the harridan.

Mrs Shrewt smiled "Of course dean how could I possibly lose to trash who refuses to fight". then she left the dean's office happy spring in her step.