Date night and the open road.

With everyone in agreement about returning they got down to the travel arrangements, The Valent elves would all return and prepare for their move all meeting at the estate within the next 2 weeks, the Confederation elves would return and prepare then meet us at the border of the Dragonsmount forest nearest the Icewall mountain range. We would stay at the estate and use the time to train, Alex also needed to awaken Kaylas mana as well as begin teaching her my internal magic, Vale had never been tested so I decided to put off doing anything like that with her until she was.

Alex took this opportunity to do something we had never done before have some alone time with each of the girls, when he brought the idea up they all seemed to like the idea and Alex left it up to them to sort out the order. As per usual it came down to a game of rock paper scissors Lily took first place and claimed the first day with Anna second Kayla third and the unlucky Vale fourth. Alex cheered her up by saying she got first date next time.

So began a very fun for days if a bit hectic for Alex at least, he made sure that the dates were appropriate to the person seeing Anna and Kayla were basically both muscle heads he took them to the arena and for Lily he had ferreted out some lesser know alchemy shops for her to look around in, Alex took them to their favourite restaurant and they chatted as they walked around the city. Now the one stipulation put in place by Alex is that unless it was an emergency from the time the date started in the morning to dawn the next day they were not to be interrupted. While slightly miffed at this initially they fully supported it as the resultant night-time activity when your partner only has you to care for was oh so much more intense and intimate.

Vales date arrived and Alex while he had gotten to know her a bit over the few days before the dates started he still didn't know her enough to tailor to her interests, so he decided to take her to the markets and parks in the city seeing she spent most of her time isolated due to her ability. In the market she bounced between stalls looking at all the things on display, her eyes lighting up in delight, sometimes she would meet someone's eye, and would almost always instantly look Alex in the eye as if she received something from him when she did, she was absolutely adorable in Alex's eyes.

Part way through the date a man run up to Alex and passed him a package, Alex smiled and gave the man a gold coin for his troubles.

"What was that?", Vale asked as he placed the package in his storage.

"Just something I ordered a few days ago", he grabbed her hand and resumed walking around the market. They also visited the academy where he showed her around, everyone recognised him so no one caused any problems.

Later on Alex took her to a small restaurant that served the best tasting fish dishes he had ever had. As they sat there talking and chatting a big guy waltzed up leaned on the table smiled at Vale who instantly tensed up, then looked at me and said, "Piss off".

I noticed a large person following along behind him who I nodded to, "Curt please take this idiot out back and beat some sense into him".

"Yes sir" said Curt.

Curt grabbed the moron pulled him up and calmly spoke, "Bron come with me we are going to have a few words, in as much as I'm going to beat the shit out of you while you mumble sorry".

Vale laughed at the scene, you know when Curt was looking at you his eyes held equal amounts fear and respect and something bordering on adoration.

Curt is an arena fighter he has seen me in combat many times and even faced me a couple, he has also seen one of my death matches, most people who have seen those are stupid enough to cause me problems.

She nodded thoughtfully and asked, "Have you been in many death matches?".

He shrugged "Only four at this point, I only managed to get them to stop pestering me with them after I was particularly brutal in the last fight but that isn't a topic we want to be discussing over dinner".

Vale could see the remorse and guilt he felt over what he did to the last man, it didn't sit well with him obviously, but it also meant he would do what was needed.

As they finished up their date in the city the embarked a carriage to take them back to the estate. They sat side by side Alex's arm wrapped around her as she learnt her head on his shoulder.

"You know I had a lot of fun today Alex", Vale uttered with a happy tone, "I hope we can keep doing things like this in the future".

That last sentence struck him like a bolt out of the blue while it had only been a barely seven days since they met the thought of Vale not being around in the future saddened him, he knew it was silly to have gotten so attached to a person in such a short period of time but he couldn't deny he really liked Vale a lot.

"Vale while we have only known each other for a very short time I have come to treasure your presence, and while we may have that marriage contact binding us I would like to ask you", his hand flourished and a ring lay in the centre of his palm, a golden band with a amethyst shaped like a heart perched on top, "Will you be my wife".

Vale stared into his eyes and felt everything, his affection for her, the small strand of love that had appeared, the trepidation he felt.

"Yes" is all she replied with.

With a dazzling smile on his face he slowly slipped the ring on Vale and kissed her, she wrapped her arms around his head and pulled him in closer, the kiss became more heated as they held each other close.

"Your destination sir" the two of the stopped locking lips and stepped out of the carriage, thanking the carriage driver and giving him a good tip for the trouble they entered the house. They walked upstairs hand in hand just as they were about to separate Alex pulled her back into his embrace,

"If you feel ready for it I would like you to sleep with me tonight".

Vales heartbeat suddenly started thundering the other girls had already filled her in on some info and to say that she didn't want it would be lying.

Vale just locked her lips to his fumbled the door open and dragged him inside.

Quietly from down the corridor some voices could be heard giggling "Oh that girl isn't going to be able to walk properly in the morning".

The next morning Alex woke up with Vale using him as a body pillow, she was already awake and had just been starting at him sleeping, as his eyes opened and looked at her their eyes met and the flood of emotions she felt made her feel warm and complete.

Alex leant forward and gave her a quick kiss "Morning dear heart".

"I'll carry you to the bathroom so we can get cleaned up".

"How do you know I need carrying" mock pouted Vale.

"Because the other three did" Alex chuckled, and Vale giggled.

The days passed peacefully as various groups arrived ready for the trip to the elven homeland, two weeks has gone by and everyone is prepped to leave the estate, everything has been put in order, Alex even remembered to grab the girls armour from Alos.

Alex walked to over to Quintus and asked if everything was ready, he replied in the affirmative and they went over the travel plans, it was a simple trip south down to the Dragonsmount forest then follow the caravan trail south west to the area where they would met up with the group from the Confederacy, From the sounds of things they will arrive a day or two ahead of them and will set up camp and wait for them.

I nice simple plan nothing could go wrong.

Nothing did the trip went smooth as butter and we joined up the other group while they had been camped for a day and a half, after greetings were exchanged the now large caravan was prepped and we set off for out final destination the elven forest, the home of Alex parents.