Saying goodbye

Alex woke up feeling the weight of his fiancés using him as a pillow. Just laying there enjoying the warmth coming from the various bodies pressed against him he thought back over the past seventeen months in the elven kingdom.

He considered the progress the girls had made in their magic abilities, Anna had learnt a variation of Alex's dragon scales ability as she wasn't able to replicate the way he could produce them all over his body so she settled on a single slightly larger scale that she could instantly form on her hand freeing her from the encumbrance of needing a shield in melee.

Lily in contrast learnt to use her breath with her water element allowing her to release a vapor cloud, while not impressive in its own right when combined with her alchemy she could envelop quite the area with a vapor bearing the properties of the potion she combined with the breath. This was amazingly versatile as not only could it be used with things like poisons and sleeping potions but also healing salves to create a healing mist.

The two that made the most progress where Kayla and Vale. They both soaked up magic theory rapidly, probably in part due to Alex's influence, Kayla learnt the lightning amour and not paying any attention to the example given by Alex's past promptly ran face first into a wall due to misjudging the increase in speed. She also learnt how to manipulate earth to a good degree, allowing her to quickly create barriers as well as earth spikes that could burst out of the floor with little warning. Vale's control of earth was just as good plus she had started mixing her earth and water elements to create mud slicks as well as bog someone down in a mini swamp. She had also grasped the use of ice quite well, much to our amusement as at one of the gatherings we attended someone tried to get a bit handsy with her and ended up a popsicle until someone thawed him out, Vale started getting called ice queen after that much to her friends amusement and her embarrassment.

Apart from the training they toured around the kingdom seeing the sights and meeting the people, word had gotten out about the event at the gala and Alex was practically worshiped by the mix blood population for saving them from eventual exile. The girls and Alex had group and solo dates, Kayla had her mating season again that kept up for a good day and a half until she finally calmed down, she couldn't walk normally for a couple of days after that. Alex made sure to visit Brightwood and tried to install Quintus as the new lord but he wouldn't hear of it and eventually they agreed that Alex would remain lord but Quintus would have full authority in all matters pertaining to the domain.

All in all it had been a pleasant stay once they got rid of the troubles, but all things must come to and end, and it was a month before the event kicked off in the beast tribes lands. While Remmel had said it took about two weeks by normal means he didn't want something cropping up during the trip that would cause them to be late, so it would be better if they left with plenty of time to spare.

So maybe a couple of days to say their goodbyes and make sure they have everything prepped. May as well see if there is a job at the guild heading out that way, seeing they hadn't done a single one since leaving Valent.

The girls started to wake up, Vale stirred first and looked up at him to see him, smiling down at her, his eyes as always conveying nothing but love and care for her. She crawled up his chest and claimed the first morning kiss.

"Good morning dearheart"

"Un" she nodded and looked like she was contemplating going in for another kiss, Vale had always been a bit slow waking up.

Vales movements stirred the rest of the girls from their slumber, Kayla stretched then claimed Alex's second kiss of the morning before Vale could make up her mind.

"Good morning kitten"

"Best way to wake up in the morning " Kayla smiled.

Finally Anna and Lily woke up and claimed their morning kiss.

"Good morning my two little dragonlings"

With the morning ritual complete everyone started clambering out of the bed and began getting ready for the day.

Kayla spoke up, "Isn't it getting close to that great games thing in the beast tribe kingdom.

Alex nodded, "Yeah about a month away, I was thinking we should probably get going in the next day or so".

Noises of agreement came from everyone in the room. Vale started speaking, "We can probably leave later today, we are already equipped well enough we just need to say our goodbyes and arrange a carriage".

"I was thinking about stopping in at the guild on the way but thinking better about it, it's probably better not to push our luck and up getting delayed".

Everyone agreed and they all bustled about making sure everything was packed up, then headed out to say their goodbye.

They all headed to the guardian dragons first all silently agreeing to leave the queen for last. In the dragon courtyard as ever sat the old dragon couple, although there was also the addition of Zakath at the moment. The group walked up and greeting were made.

"We all came to say our goodbyes, it's time to head to the beast tribes". Alex said with a smile.

The old dragon couple nodded, "We both figured it would be soon", Kelrina smiled.

"It's going to be awful quiet around here without you younglings around" Ramistol spoke up, "If nothing else Alex has given us two old fogies something to think about regarding magic", he chuckled.

"You both have my thanks for all the advice you provided us while we were here" Alex bowed, the girls echoed Alex.

Kelrina waved them off, "Pshaw, no thanks needed, we both had a lot of fun with you lot around, just be sure you all visit in the future.

Zakath joined in "I'll be staying here with these two for a while longer, I'll probably come see you in the beast tribes at some point, if I don't I'll catch up with you in Arcvien.

They all finished up their goodbyes and steeled themselves to say goodbye to the Queen. They approached the audience chamber and checked with the guard to see if she was busy, the guard replied in the negative and ushered them in.

The Queen looked up as the group entered, "Yay nephew is here!"

"Hello aunty", not sugar coating it because he knew that wouldn't help with what was about to come, "We have come to say goodbye, we are departing for the beast kingdom today".

"I see", the Queens face seemed serious and Alex had a bad feeling, sure enough.

"What if I said you were forbidden from leaving?".

"I would reply that you don't have any authority over the person who fixed your kingdom" Alex responded.

"What if I said I would have you arrested and thrown in jail until you agree to stay?".

"I would reply that you don't have enough men to even have a hope of that working".

"Boo" the Queen returned to her normal behaviour, "who am I going to have fun with without nephew around!".

Alex smiled at the Queen, "I'm sure you will make do besides it's not we aren't ever coming back to visit.

The Queen suddenly jumped down and hugged Alex, "You promise?".

"Alex patted her head, "Yes I do I don't know how long we will be but we will be in the beast tribes for a while then heading to Arcvien, I'm planning to travel the dwarven holds in the north so I will come the elven kingdom route when I do".

"Deal" she said with a nod of her head, then she pounced up wrapped her arms around his head and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before dropping back down. "You let your guard down nephew, does this mean I'm finally starting to grow on you".

He smiled at the Queen, "Just make sure the kingdom isn't in as big a mess next time I visit aunty".

"Party pooper", the queen pouted.

The girls also bid their farewells to the Queen, and they departed the palace.

Heading into the city they located a merchant who was selling a wagon and horses. Shortly a wagon could be seen traveling out of the city heading south.