A family affair

Alex could feel Rose tremble as she grabbed on to him, this obviously wasn't a pleasant reunion and he recalled the info she had shared about her family looking for her to take her back to her family and force her into marriage as a pawn for the families advantage.

Alex wrapped his arm around Rose, "Don't worry no one will force you to do anything you don't want to if they choose to make things difficult well lets just say they will live to regret it", he murmured comfortingly to Rose.

Rose relaxed slightly at his words and feeling his arm around her gave her the sense of safety she desperately needed, Rose's father frowned at the show of intimacy. He quickly smoothed his expression but Alex had caught it.

He turned his head to the king, "May I ask what is the reason we were summoned your Majesty", the king winced at Alex tone, he could tell he was pissed and the King was praying his old acquaintance didn't push Alex to far or even he wouldn't be able to save him.

"As you can see Alex an old acquaintance came by asking to see his daughter, I was simply arranging for them to meet in the best circumstances possible", he remained as neutral as possible in this little fracas.

"I see", Alex looked at the older man, "So are you here to apologize to your daughter for being a terrible father or are you here to abuse your blood relation and try forcing her back into your terrible excuse for a family so you can make use of her?, Alex asked in a tone that could be used to etch steel.

The man blanched at that then went red in the face as he grew angry at the insolent young man in front of him, "How dare you!", he exploded, "What would you know you are just some uncultured barbarian who has somehow managed to trick my daughter into giving you her affections".

This time it was Rose who bristled, "Alex has shown me more love and affection in the short time I've known him than you did right up until you without a shred of guilt in your eyes kicked me out of that hellhole I was born into. I will never return I have a new family now with Alex and my sisters", years of negative emotions burst forth as she finally told her so call father how she really felt.

"How can you say such things, we took care of you well enough". Her father said.

"Oh please, you provided the basic necessity of food and a roof over my head, not once did I ever receive an iota of affection, just a constant barrage of telling me I wasn't good enough that I had to work harder. I wasn't a daughter to you just someone related to you by blood that you couldn't easily make use of so you cast me away" Rose was panting as she cried out all the things she had bottled up while living with her old family. All that negativity that Alex had started the process of helping heal came full circle and Rose felt like an immense pressure had been lifted off her chest. She had come face to face with her father and told him no, he had no influence over her anymore.

"Well said" Alex muttered to her, giving her a squeeze, riding on an emotional high Rose just grabbed Alex head and dragged his head down to hers where she promptly gave him a passionate kiss.

"Enough of this since you won't come willingly then we shall just take you with us", the man declared, "You two deal with that man I will grab my daughter".

Alex separated from the kiss and looked over at Rose's father, "Thank you", Alex said to them, a look of confusion flashed across their faces, "I now have a legitimate reason for what I'm about to do next".

"Humph ", like you could do anything to the likes of us, one of the escorts snorted in disdain.

"Says the weak little class four mage, you idiots really should be aware of who you are threatening, allow me to introduce myself", Alex began slowly walking towards them.

"I am Alex, adopted grandson to the dragon king Zakath, known in the Valent academy as the Spellblade, and known around the rest of Valent as the undefeated champion of the Valent arena Bladedancer, Lord protector of the Eleven Kingdom and nephew to their current Queen, disciple of the Lady Melliandra, final disciple to the Omni Magus, and a tactical class mage in my own right.

Alex stopped holding back his natural aura and also triggered his transformation his demi dragon form as he stood there awing everyone in the room with his sheer presence, even the King felt like kneeling before Alex but was strong willed enough to stop himself, some of the guards not so much and some of them had taken a knee heads bowed towards Alex.

Alex looked at the small and petty trio before him who were now so shocked by Alex's identity that their brains seemed to have frozen. "You have one chance to live through this", Alex growled out at them, "Leave here and never cross my or Roses path again, if I sniff even so much as the faintest scent of you coming after Rose I will descend upon your family with a fury you cannot begin to imagine. Do I make myself clear?", he spat out the last words.

They nodded dumbly the arrogance wiped from them when in front of the overpowering presence that Alex was putting out. "Very well you may leave in one piece but remember my warning for I am very serious when it comes to the safety and well being of my women". Alex stepped to the side and gestured for them to leave, they practically bolted out of the audience room trying to get as far away from Alex as fast as possible.

The moment they left the room, Alext withdrew his aura and reverted back to his human form causing everyone present to heave a sigh of relief.

He turned to Rose and with a cheeky grin he simply asked, "Too much?".

Rose ran and jumped into his arms, the best place in the world that she wouldn't trade for anything, she began kissing him with such a passion that even Alex was somewhat taken aback. Standing with the other girls Kayla muttered, "I don't know about you three but that little show made me horny as hell. Anna, Lily and Vale all just nodded in agreement. That was a side of Alex he rarely revealed and when he did the girls found themselves attracted to him on a whole other level.

Rose didn't look like she was going to stop locking lips with Alex any time soon, the King coughed politely to remind them they had an audience, Rose pulled back her face flushed, just not from embarrassment, Alex had a look of desire in his eyes as he started at Rose's delicate face.

"Are you sure that was wise Alex, that man is head of a very influential family of mages in Arcvien:, asked the King.

Swivelling to look at the King, "I'm quite positive, someone like him will try to wriggle around anything you say, he would have been a constant pain in the ass so I did things the easiest way when it comes to snakes like him, you use pure force to pin him down, strip his arrogance and make him fully aware that crossing you is not worth the damage that will ensue. He is one of those people that sees everyone as what use they can be to the family, he doesn't see people just tools to further the families agenda, I just made it clear to him that pursuing Rose was a losing bargain for his family and it would cost them so much more than they would gain".

"Would you really go to war with a noble house of Arcvien for your woman?"

"In a heartbeat" Alex responded instantly with full conviction.

The King sighed and looked at the youth then he recalled that they had been looking for him earlier so he asked them what they had been after earlier.

"Your aware of the altercation that took place at the prelims?"

The king nodded, "Yes Elder Sloan and his grandsons stupidity".

Kayla had a thought about what happened, he looked at her, "Care to explain seeing it's your idea?".

Kayla smiled and stepped forward and began explaining how the scheming and setup was so far outside the usual behaviour of beast kin let alone an elder that there may be some sort of external influence conspiring with the elder, sadly this was all conjecture as there was no evidence but it was something worth keeping in mind. The King looked thoughtful as puzzled his way through things, then looked appreciatively at Kayla and thanked her for bringing up something that he himself had overlooked.

Having said their piece Alex and the girls departed the audience room.

"So what now?", asked Alex.

"As if you have to ask, after making us all hot for you after that little performance you mister will spend the rest of the day satisfying your horny fiancés", Kayla said as she and Rose grabbed an arm each and started dragging him towards the bedroom, with Anna, Lily and Vale following close behind. Seeing this Alex asked with a small amount of expectation "All of us at the same time?".

"You got that right" said Rose.

Alex gulped and allowed himself to be pulled along, almost instinctively setting up a sound barrier when the entered the bedroom the five girls and one male engaged in a whirlwind of debauchery they had never experience before, lasting well into the night.