Plans and Visions

It wasn't a while before Alaster got home. His wife greeted him at the door and was surprised to see a little girl with him. 

"Who is this?" she knelt, smiling at the little girl, brushing off the fact that she was covered in blood "What's your name?"

"Miss." the girl answered, shy.

"Well, I'll go heat up water for your bath. Let us get you cleaned up." she stood and faced her husband "I'll tell you later."

She grabbed the girl's hand and took her away. Alaster walked upstairs, passing by his son's room. He peeked in, seeing his son still sound asleep. He continued to head to their room, finally managing to sleep since the storm last night was too loud for him.

He woke up to his wife's humming, cutting some of her clothes to the little girl's size. He sat on the bed, rubbing his eyes.

"You've been sleeping a while." his wife remarked "You did not sleep last night?"

Alaster shook his head. "Someone was having the best sleep last night."

His wife chuckled but frowned suddenly. "More importantly, I saw that little girl in my dreams." 

Alaster slid closer to his wife, noticing her hands were shaking."What did you see?"

His wife glanced at the door, turned to her husband, and whispered "I saw her murder the family. But I knew she was being aided."


"The storm could have gone silent." she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper "The screams were loud enough to wake up their neighbour... but the storm got worse when she killed them. The gods willed for the family to die last night. I just don't know why."

Alaster sighed and nodded. "The wise man said the same. When I spoke to her, I knew she was someone favoured by the gods. I was given courage to take her in... go against the rules."

His wife leaned close to him and took his hand. "You did the right thing. I'm sure she will be good friends with Alexander."

Alaster nodded, knowing she was right. He stood and headed towards the living room, seeing Miss sit across the room from Alexander. She was wearing clothes bigger than her, the ends being dragged around the floor whenever she would walk. 

"Alexander." Alaster called, walking down the stairs "Have you said hi to our guest yet?"

Alexander glanced at the little girl across the room. "Hi."

Miss simply smiled. Alaster chuckled. Miss was finally showing emotion... He thought she was a lot of things, but shyness was not one of the traits he thought she would have. 

They will get along fine. He thought to himself.

"Play with her, Alexander. She'll be staying with us for a while." Alaster said, heading to the kitchen.

Alexander grunted but walked to Miss anyway. Once Alaster made sure they were talking, he sat down to finally eat his breakfast. As he ate, he reflected upon the events that morning, his father's words and what his wife told him. He was always expected by everyone to follow the rules... and he always did follow the rules. The events of today made him think that perhaps the gods have planned something different. Perhaps he was meant to rebel against the teachings of his ancestors? He shrugged... He found nothing wrong with the laws of the village. It was fair and just. Everyone agrees as well. If he were meant to go against it... what would he reform?

Alexander suddenly ran into the dining room, yelling for his father. Alaster, now alerted, stood and asked what happened.

"Miss! She fainted!" 

Alaster rushed to the living room. Miss was out cold at the center and his wife was already hunched over her, whispering something to her. As he got closer, he heard his wife whispering to Miss. He pushed her aside and was surprised to see almost a crazed look on her face... something he never saw on her face before.

Prioritizing the little girl, he lifted Miss up and carried her to an empty room. His wife followed close behind, anxious, trying to tell him something. 

"Alaster! Listen to me!" his wife begged, going up the stairs behind him.

When Alaster wouldn't stop, she shot a worried glance at Alexander and continued up the stairs, still trying to beg Alaster to listen to her.