How to deal with her?

Why is she not responding? I let go of her wrist. What? She is still in the same position? What a weird woman.

" Hello?" I waved my hand in front of her face.

"..." Is she a statue or what?

Wait, she's not breathing! What's going on? Her face is starting to turn purple.

"Hey! Wake up!" I yelled at her. I shook her hard. She remains frozen. I didn't kill her by accident, did I? Still nothing. Will she die? Why am I being concerned over something that's none of my business?

I turned around, ready to leave.


I felt pain in my wrist and my lungs. Ouch! That guy has a freaking strong grip. What did he want to do? Break my wrist? But what's wrong with me? Why did I froze like a statue? I could hear and see everything he was "yelling". I turned around, trying to catch my breath. He was still there!

"Hello?" I whispered in a raspy voice. The guy turned around. His face, cold, devoid of any emotions. "Who are you?" he asked me.

"I don't k..know." I stuttered. The pressure he's emitting is crushing me. What is wrong with him? He looked at me from head to toes and took 5 bucks out of his pocket and gave it to me. I took the money and ran as fast as my numb legs could bring me. He sure was dominating. At least, I have a little bit more money now. I went back "home" and directly went to sleep without taking the medication. An action, I will regret tomorrow.


I open the door and a wave of fragrance hit me like a wave. I gave my coat to our newly hired butler, Uncle Rui, and went inside. I heard laughter filling the dining room. In the room, my parents were conversing with the Ming family. Their daughter, Ming Liao wasn't the queen of socialites for nothing. She dressed like a peacock to a family dinner. I almost scoffed out loud. Another white lotus. I know what's going to come. And, as always, I'm ready to get rid of them. I sat down to the only empty seat. Next to my parents and the Ming's daughter.

"Son! This is Ming Liao, isn't she pretty? Come on, introduce yourself." urged my mom.

" Nice to meet you, Miss Ming." I politely responded.

" No need to call me Miss Ming, Ekon. Just call me sister Liao."

Her face showed elegance and politeness but in her eyes, I could see the infatuation she has for me. Would you mind controlling your eyes? I grumbled in my head.

"Brother Zhou, I always thought you and I were going to be really good friends in the future."

Just great! We just met and now she's calling me brother. What a rash woman.

" The pleasures all mine... Sister Liao." I decided to go with the flow in front of my parents. I need to get rid of her soon. Her perfume stench is killing me.

" So, how was your day Brother Zhou?"

Now, she's interested in my daily life?! Aren't you moving a bit to fast woman?

" Same as usual, tons of work to do. " I replied coldly.

" I heard that your business with the jewelry section is booming with profits, right?"

Oh, now she wants a partnership? I did investigate her and found out she owns a quite popular jewelry shop with the rich people, called Elegance. This company could be a good investment.

" It's progressing nicely."

" Brother Zhou, you surely heard about a jewelry brand called Elegance right? Well, I'm the owner of that store. We recently discovered a mine of diamond near her and want to explore it. Unfortunately, our previous partner had an accident and we had to cancelled the partnership. I was wondering if you would be interested to cooperate with us? " The smugness is real. I can see it on her face as if she was ordering her subordinate. Who does she think she is?

" I apologize, Miss Liao. However, we already have a partnership ready with another company. We won't be able to work with each other. "

" Really? How about you reconsider it, Brother Zhou? After all, my company is the best in this category. Plus, I... I will be rea...really happy to work with you."

She muttered the last part but I still heard it. Then she looked at me pitifully as if I'm going to change my mind. Her crocodile tears won't work on me. She subtlety pulled my arm and rub it against her chest. I immediately tried to get my arm out of her grip. She suddenly fall on my lap. I was getting furious with every second she spends on my lap. I pushed her back harshly on her chair and she yelped a bit. She looked at me as if she was wronged. I sneered at her.

I look at Mr.Ming and Mrs. Ming.

" Please excuse me, I need to go back to work."

They nod their head and I left.

"Brother Zhou!"

I heard her yell. I went to my office and changed my clothes. I asked Uncle Rui to wash them three times.


At the Ming's house

"Father! I like Brother Zhou!" Ming Liao confessed to her parents.

" We know! However, don't you think you were a bit desperate in that attempt? You have to behave properly!" her father lectured her.

" When you get the spot of Mrs, Zhou, we will gain a fortune. We can't look down that brat Ekon. Building an empire from scratch and having deep ties with the underworld, we can lose everything if we offend them. For now, the partnership is ruined. We need a better plan."

" I think I know how to make Ekon fall for my dear daughter." Mrs. Ming calmly said.

" How?"

" By targeting her parents. Remember, even if the Zhou family is rich and has deep connections, they still are newly rich people. They are very gullible. If Liao'er plays her cards right, Ekon will have no choice but to fall for her."

"Good. Then it's decided. Liao'er will try to visit the Zhous as much as possible. Offer them gifts so they will have no choice but to accept our daughter as the future wife of Ekon." Mr. Ming said.

However, they forgot one crucial point. Ekon's family did build an empire from scratch. However, by doing so, they saw all kinds of people. When the Ming family start to regret their decisions, it will be too late.