Made friends in a new place

Go down below to see a hole bunch of men and 2 boys they all look nerves so I decided to sit down against the wall a sleep until the storm was over I wake up to the sound of vomiting and people calling for their mom so they must be sea sick I see the boy from earlier helping the sick and I smiled at him because he is helping them so I walk to the boy and asked, "Can I could help you with the people" I said nicely "yes that will help can you give people a glass of water" he smiled and was nice I think that was the first time a person I think my age was nice to me "thanks" I said and started filling up glasses of water and handing them around. When a guy walked in who looked like the captain on the ship said "the people who are still capable of walking and not sick follow me" CAPTAIN THOUGHT 'I go down to see if people were alright from the storm but i go down there there were only 3 ok people who weren't sick one was a kid which had dark green hair which is almost black and green shorts, and t-shirt helping the sick with some herbs, a guy in a dress that looks like a girl with short blond hair and grey eyes, and a guy in a hammock sleeping he has short black hair, glass on the tip of his nose, a suit, and a suitcase. Wait there's another one and its a girl that means 4 people made it this far she's beautiful tanned skin, golden blond hair, blue sky eyes, and one hell of a rack for a girl anyways let's get them to follow me.' As I follow the captain up to the captain's deck he says "Ok now tell me why you want to become hunters" I guess I will tell him the story it's hard for me though "HI i'm gon I want to become a hunter to find out why my father left me to become a hunter and to find my father" he said happily with a smile "ok you go" the captain points at a man with a suit on "I'm Leorio and I don't find it appropriate to tell a complete stranger why" he says in a snobbish way "I agree with him," said a guy in a dress I guess it's my turn "well I will go" I say nervously as everyone stares at me "please go" the captain says "I'm Naruto Uzumaki well let me start from the beginning I have no in my village everyone hates me they would call me a monster, demon, idiot, sult, fox demon and others ever since I was born when I turned 3 the village would beat me up half to death can carve words like demon in my skin" I pull up my shirt and show them "when I turn 8 they started to rape me and I was broken no one cared for me and when I started school to become a ninja I put on an act to be a stupid prankster who wears a neon orange jumpsuit and put on a fake happy act but in real life I'm a lifeless nobody everyone in class likes to tease me and called me names then after I finished school i was put on a team who I thought was warming up to me wasn't they called me names and hit me and I was on a verge of ending my life then went on a mission these two ninjas transported me to this ship to get away from that life and become hunter and enjoy life to the fullest" I said with tears coming down my face they all looked at me shocked and the blonde guy came up to me hugged me I finched "I'm kurapika I want to become a hunter because I want to get revenge on a crew called the phantom group for killing my whole entire clan" he says angry and release me from the hug "well I'm not telling you why I'm want to become a hunter because a little girl said a sad story" "hey that is very impleant of you to say "kurapika said "says the guy who wants revenge for his stupid clan" leorio said than the keep on bickering back and forth they go outside on in stormy sea and they put up fighting forms "should we stop them" the captain said "no let them go at it, will make them become closer" gon said and I shake my head in agreement my and gon head to the deck when I see a crew guy falling in the water so jump off the boat to catch him and now we a dangling from the boat because gon caught us with his fishing rod but could not hold the wait so he flew and leorio and kurapika caught him and pulled us up the guy I saved fainted because he was so scared so I carried him and put him downstairs with the sick guys and when i did that the caption told them this is part of the hunter exam and you had to answer to pass so leorio told his reason so he could pass and I went back up me and gon got scolded for what we did by both of them "I'm sorry" I said in a sad cute voice "it's ok just don't do it again" leorio said "yeah" said kurapika both of the boys blush from her cuteness "I won't" I said and hugged them, CAPTAIN THOUGHT 'damn that girl is good' I went back where gon was and hugged him "thank you for saving me" I said to him "ya it was nothing" he blushed and smiled as he turned to the two boys and said "so did you two make up" the look at each other and said "yes", an hour later as the sky was sunny and clear we were landing at our destainion the captain pulled us a side told us the right way to go so we got off the ship and me and gon asked if they are coming with us kurapika said yes but leorio said he wants to follow the map and we separated. As we were walking walking to the next location we heard someone running behind us and we saw leorio "WAIT UP YOU GUYS WALK TOO FAST" he yelled as he just made it to us catching his we start laughing at him "hey it's not funny" he whined "so why did you come back" kurapika said teasing him "because I knew the guys would miss me if I was gone" he said smugly we snicker at him, after hours of walking with small talk we finally arrive to a creepy town and we walked in and saw an old lady on top of a wall this guy that was following us without kurapika and leorio knowing but gon could smell him and I could sense him he zoomed passed us and said he will go first he was holding a big sword and said he will kill the monsters and the old lady said "there are 2 choice, Men have taken your mother and your true love captive. Who do you save?" He chooses 1 thinking that's what she wants him to say. She says he may go. Leorio starts yelling because of the preposterous question. Kurapika tells him to be quiet, seeing Gon has heard something. She asks another impossible question, and Leorio attacks her I kick him in the wall and he was unconscious "opps, i was trying to hold back" I say the old lady and kurapika sweat drop and she say stating "you all pass since silence was the answer" and a door opens on the side where the other man didn't go through so i pick up leorio and put him on my back they all sweat drop and we walk through the door and said bye after afew seconds leorio woke up being carried by me he freaks out and falls on his but and says "what happened" "you were doing to do something stupid and naru-chan drop kicked you uncoitions and she carried you" kurapika said which shocked himas the a arrive to a small wooden cottage and gon and I smelled blood so we shushed them and walked slowly in the house and found the two navigators posing as a couple being attacked by a magical beast The beast takes off with the lady, followed by Gon, me and Kurapika, and Leorio staying behind to take care of the man. While chasing after the creature Gon pulls with me ahead of Kurapika, closes in on the Kiriko, and gon bashes him in the head. The Kiriko drops the woman, who is caught by Kurapika. The creature still manages to get away from Gon, who we continue chasing it. Soon he comes to a clearing where the creature attacks us. Gon merely greets it and I ask "where the one he hit went to." it revealed that both the Kiriko and the couple are a family and the ones who would take the three to the Hunter Exam. we were happy and as we went to the exam it was in a small restaurant which surprised me and the rest of us. We went inside to the ordering place was and they ordered a special meal and took us to a place in the back which had an elevator in there as we go down leorio and kurapika ask us what kind of hunter you want be a hunter for wealth or an adventure or a bounty hunter we both reply at the same with "I don't know" they sweat drop, as we arrive in an underground tunnel with lots of people we were given numbers and a guy named tonpa came over and said "hello i'm tonpa nice to meet you if guys want anything like information than tell me" I don't like this guy he's too friendly lets just play along for now "hi I'm gon, this naruto, that's kurapika, and he's leorio. Can you tell us to watch out for?" he said nicely "Sure thing, you better watch out for , the snake charmer, , the wrestler, The and , the huntsman". While doing the introductions we hear a bloodcurdling scream, and they look to see a man missing his arms ", the magician, who maimed him simply because he bumped into him. recalling that last year Hisoka was assessed by most as a favorite to pass and become certified. however, Hisoka was determined to have failed the exam when he injured a proctor." tonpa said and shrugged his shoulders. "Hey guys want some juice'' tonpa said they all said "yes please" I see a smirk on his face and take the drink away from the boys and drank it all down each of theirs "hey naruto why you do that were thirty" gon said pouting "you don't take things from strangers" I said glaring at them they got really scared and i faced tonpa and said "if you ever do that again you will die by my hands" I say letting lots of killing intencion out and in a happy voice which scared him off everyone in the room looked where it was coming from and they were surprised it was a little girl doing that. As the examers came out and said "hello I'm your exams my name is satotz welcome to the first examiner, begins the with an extremely long run down a tunnel" as he turns around and walks and everyone follows. After a while he picked up the speed lots of people quit already as we go through the large tunnel "hey kid on the skateboard thats cheating" leorio shouts and the kid ignored him and keep going and I yell "No he's not he just said to follow" the kid on the stateboard went up to me and gon "hey who old are you guys" he asks "12" me and gon say and he says "me too" he hops his board and jogs with us "hi I'm gon and this is naruto" gon says pointing at me "I'm killua nice you" as he looks at us and gon looks behind us to see leorio heavy breathing we slow down to his pace "hey old man are you doing ok" killua says "hey i'm not old I'm around the age of kurapika" we all shout "WHAT!!!" "hey that's rude" he whines "I don't see it" killua says "me too" I say "HEY!!!" he shouted gon takes his bag and I pick up leorio "HEY NARUTO PUT ME DOWN" he yelled "no you're too slow" I say everyone laughs killua say says "hey want to have a race and the losers pay for dinner after the exam" he says smirking "your on" gon says "DEAL" I say smiling "If you say so ready, set, go" killua says and I rush off way ahead of them and all you can hear is leorio yell "NARUTO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" as me and leorio see the instructor I run over still holding leorio and said "hi I'm naruto do you mind if i go a head" I ask he looked surprised to see keeping pace with him with a grown man on my back "do you know where you're going" he asked I said "yes 200 miles ahead is where we're going" I said he looked surprised that I knew that "How did you know that" he said "I have a good scene" I said "sure if you want" he said "YEA HOLD ON TIGHT LEORIO" as I run like lightning all you can hear is "NOT AGAINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!" the instructor laughed and the little girls action as she went off like a flash.

Hoped you liked!

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