CH 6 Dreaming





To finish off his task, he tightened her ponytail with great care in case he accidentally pulled too hard. Since Sooyeon felt that he was done she turned around once again to face a pair of cold dark eyes. For a moment she thought she saw a glimpse of warmth in his gaze but was only met with emotionless pits.

Little did young Sooyeon know that the famously known cold prince was fighting an uncontrollable spark in his icy heart. Woojin could not help but question this strange unfamiliar feeling. 'Why am I like this? Strange, I think I should go see a doctor. This is not normal.' A million thoughts dashed and flashed through his mind as he continued to stare at this strange creature standing in front of him.

Sooyeon's mind also had flying thoughts about what could this awfully good looking human be thinking. 'His'


One of the classmates made a noise which snapped the dazed pair back to reality. Another student chimed in and gestured the group to continue the game. However, some students seemed to be disinterested and decided to play a different game.

Although the dare game was over, Sooyeon could not help but to occasionally cast discreet glances over at Woojin. The more she looked over the more she became curious about this mysterious "prince". Woojin had already noticed her stares and started to take secret peeks at her as well.

It didn't take long for Min to notice Woojin's strange behaviour. He simply smirked and gave Woojin a tiny nudge and winked at him.

'This brat. Did he have a death wish?'

Cha Min instantly regretted nudging the Great Woojin when he felt his icy stare pierce his skin.

Meanwhile, in between Sooyeon's peeks she also saw Woojin glance at her from time to time. Wait. Was she dreaming? Was the cold prince actually looking at her? She slightly panicked at the thought of her being caught staring at his greatness but soon doubted her own eyes. Was she crazy? Why would the Great Woojin be staring at her? What was she to him? Sooyeon was busy with these thoughts that she didn't realise that the game had ended and they were going to start packing up.

"Miss Sooyeon, I know it's your birthday but could you move to the side please so I can move your desk back? Your highness"

Her thoughts were once again interrupted by her friend who was moving the tables back together. Sooyeon immediately felt her cheeks flush red when she realised Woojin was looking their way.