Chapter Seven

"Surrender and join me or Die!" I told the men shuttering in fear before me.

Out of all of the men in the gang before me, only the leader managed to resist the fear effect of the Dark Mask.

"What happens if we Surrender?" the leader named John asked.

"If you surrender you will join under me and you will get to leave here with your lives and perhaps one day under my leadership you will become men that stand upon the very top of the food chain," I told them seriously.

"We surrender, we surrender!" John shouted once he noticed I started taking a few steps toward them with the intent to kill.

"Good, you're smart! I will warn you now, If I find that any of you attempt to betray me then I will kill you in the most brutal way possible and make sure you suffer!" I warned them while looking them all in the eye.

I lifted my hood over my head and lowered my head to hide my mask from all of their eyes.

"Now tell me, where are the locations of the other Gangs in this area?" I asked.


I soon learned the locations of all the gangs in this area and chose my next target, a gang of 30 men who called themselves Viper Gang.

This...Viper Gang according to John, who now serves under me as my subordinate, is quite awful compared to the gangs in the area, they would innocent lives as bait or even meat shields.

Among the 12 Gangs in this area, the Viper Gang has killed the most amount of innocent people.

And John's group was the second nicest gang in the area with only a few innocent casualties in gang fights.

I asked John who was the nicest Gang in the area and he told me it was a Gang known as Heart Gang.

They apparently treated everyone in their territory as a family and the people living in their territory treat them as a family as well.

I was quite surprised to find that they were the strongest gang of all the twelve gangs in the area.

They had a total of 200 Members and more than 500 People living peacefully within their territory.

I guess I will go for them last then, but for now, let's go beat Viper Gang into submission.

As John and his four most trusted subordinates followed me we soon neared the hideout of the Viper Gang.

Outside the entrance of the Gang Hideout were two gruff men keeping watch.

I told John and his men to wait here while I take care of the guards at the door.

I calmly walked over to the men and calmly asked "Where is your leader?"

"Our Leader? Why would a brat like you wish to see our leader? Scram!" one of the men yelled.

"Sigh...Guess we're doing this the hard way!" I told them before punching one of them and knocking him out.

I then walked over to the other man who stood there with a stunned expression and grabbed his arm before breaking it.

"So are you going to tell me where your boss is are am I going to have to break a few more bones?" I asked looking at the protruding bone coming out of his arm.

"I'll tell you I'll tell you, just please don't hurt me!" the man screamed in pain.

I couldn't help but frown towards this man.

He broke way too easily...

I guess not just anyone can stand the pain of torture...

"Where is your boss?" I asked.

"He's inside, in the room at the end of the hall!" the man told me in pain.

I knocked him out and told John to keep an eye on the man while I go have a nice 'talk' with the leader and his subordinates.

Although John and his gang now were my subordinates they still feared me quite a bit, even if I had the body of a child, so they didn't question my orders.

I walked into the hideout to find a long hallway with a dozen doors on both sides with a single door at the end.

[A/N: Do keep in mind that all of these doors are the star wars kind, they slide open and are metallic looking]

I cleared my throat and shouted, "Come on out to meet your new boss!"

It's better to have them all meet their new boss at the same time right?

Soon over 30 men including the boss exit from their rooms to find a small child wearing a black robe that hid his face standing in the hall, me.

"How'd this brat get in?" one of the men asked.

"Weren't Felix and Mike on guard duty?" another man asked.

"They should have been, did they fall asleep on the job?" another man asked.

"Hey kid, how'd you get in?" the boss asked me.

"By walking in of course," I told the boss.

The boss didn't seem to like this comment and started walking aggressively towards me.

As soon as he neared me he raised his arm in an attempt to grab me.

I simply dodged to the side and karate chopped his arm with full strength.

A sick crunch echoed in the hallway and everyone froze.

It appears I 'accidentally' broke his arm!

"Oh no! What happened to your arm?" I asked with an innocent voice as if I didn't just break his arm.

As the boss was howling in pain from his broken arm he shouted "Kill him! Kill that brat!"

Sigh...even if you show your strength before people they somehow still believe they can win.


[Author Note]

If you wish to show your support then, please comment down below or join my P4treon

Do Note that my P4treon is purely for monetary support and shout outs!

No matter what my readers shall all get to read the same chapters!

No pay to win to get ahead of everyone! / Unholy_Student

Discord: CMZm2uJ

Probably going to be the only chapter until Friday, I suggest yall read the other novel that I am writing along with this one, its called The Extraordinary Gaming Cafe

Also, let me know what items you think the host should get as a reward for the random skill awarded!

Please list the name and a description!

Magic, Futuristic Technology, Bio Enhancers, or Viruses anything and everything!

Characters and items from Games and movies are included! So it could be the Perfect T-Virus, A Marker from Dead Space, or a Scarab from Halo!