The Sacrificial Lamb

King Mikihisa stared out the window of his study room. He liked to go there when he needed to ponder on things. It was less distracting there than in the throne room. He also reckoned that he might be staying there for the night. The queen had refused to talk or even see him after he had agreed to allow their son to become the sacrificial lamb. She had confined herself in the royal chamber with no intention of letting him in for the night. He couldn't face her anyway, not yet until everything had been carried out.

Without the queen, Yoh and Tamao, dinner had been more quiet than usual. He had expected his niece to be more hysterical than his wife but Tamao had locked herself up in her room. Perhaps Yoh's impending death was too much for her to take or perhaps the news about her fiancé's profession of love to the Kouku princess had reached her and it was just too unbearable. She had given her heart to him ever since their marriage was arranged and yet he chose to love another girl and to die for her in the process.

King Mikihisa noted how unappetizing dinner was when the family was not complete. He observed each one of his family members who still opted to share their time with him despite his shocking decision earlier. The former rulers of Kasai sat quietly from each side of the dining table. He was waiting for them to bring up the topic like they often do when they disagreed with his decision. But that night they were stiff and noiseless as the statues in the throne room. His other son, Hao was not his usual chatty self either. He was just playing with the food on his plate. The family had barely touched the course prepared for them.

Even the palace people would scurry off when they meet the king along the halls. He was previously greeted with a bow, curtsy or a cheerful smile. Now, they were simply frightened of him. Who wouldn't? He had just sentenced his beloved child to death. He felt that all those years of building up relationship with the palace had gone down the drain.

He parted the window curtains slightly and lifted the binoculars over his eyes to view the enemies' encampment outside the palace walls. The troops seemed to be rejoicing. They were laughing, drinking, and goofing around bonfires. How could they not celebrate? They ended up victorious without spilling a single drop of blood. Only Kasai's blood was shed in their campaign.

He shifted his gaze towards a larger tent which was surrounded by Kouku soldiers. At the end of their negotiation earlier, they had agreed to exchange prisoners. They released Faust in exchange for the princess of Kouku whom they had to forcefully carry back to camp. She wanted to see Yoh before she go. Sadly, that request wasn't even granted to her. They would just go back at dawn tomorrow to witness the beheading of the Kasai heir. King Mikihisa pitied the princess even more. This would be very traumatic for her to see after she had witnessed her parents' murders a few months ago.

He pitied his son as well for being caught in the middle of the crossfire. He had always wished that Yoh would show even the slightest interest in ruling Kasai. Now he got what he wished for. He had been critical of his son since he was a child because of his carefree nature. Now, he just wanted to say how proud he was for the man he turned out to be. It was commendable for Yoh to own up to his mistakes. It was admirable of him to declare his devotion to the kingdom. It was courageous of him to admit his love to an enemy princess. How unfortunate that his son had to do it in such situation. Had his negotiations with King Hideki of Kouku pushed through, Anna and Yoh's meeting would have entirely been different.

Seven years ago...

"What news from the other side have you brought me, Faust?" King Mikihisa asked as soon as his most trusted advisor came into the room. They were staying at one of the hotels owned by the Duke of Mont St Michel who was a close friend of the Kasai king since his youth. Faust removed his brown cloak that was soaking wet. It had been raining outside for hours but the inclement weather could not stop his private meeting with a very important dignitary.

"Your Highness, King Hideki had agreed to help you with your investigation..."

"I'm elated to hear that. Go on.."

"He would perform a background check of all his employees as a starting point. He would send a telegram to the Duke if he finds anything interesting. About your proposal though... He felt like it would be a breach of trust between Kouku and Kaminari if he would arrange his daughter's marriage to your son. The peace treaty must be abolished first before he can provide his decision. I personally don't think it would be soon though..."

"Fair enough. This is a good start. Our children are still young anyway. Thank you for your service, Faust."

"It's my pleasure, Your Majesty." The doctor bowed before him. "I'm not sure if it's a good idea to marry Prince Yoh off. He would make a better king of Kasai than his brother."

"I still have faith in Hao. I'm planning to arrange him with my distant relative's daughter, Tamao."

"I don't think he would be delighted with that, too..."