Getting to know each other (3)

Mia's eyes open slowly searching her surrounding. she could barely get up from the bed after her exercise with ting.

She looked at the clock and it was 5pm already. she got up slowly and look at her left side on the bed. Ting was not by herself. she heard the shower running and knew where he was. the blanket slowly drop showing her perky breasts and hickeys from this morning. the arts was well made on her body. Remembering what happened and how she got those hickeys, it got her shivering all over. her body start getting hot again. she try to clear her mind.

Mia try to reject her thoughts, but it was hopeless. the members start flowing like a river into her mind. the more she remembers the more her body trembled from his touches and kisses.

After their 3 rounds of love making. Mia remembered how he was still inside her and whispering some dirty word in her ears wanting to go for another round of their love making. she was too tired to move, but he refused to listen to her "no." Telling her "one more round please. you feel so good." sending shivered down her body. newing she couldn't resist anymore. Ting start thrusting inside her slowly causing her to trembled under him, grabbing her breast, exploring every part of her body. she could barely refused with his muscular body covering hers, and feeling those muscular arms wrap around her. It was driving her insane. she was already drunk on this feels he was giving her. Returning from her thoughts. her body start to aches everywhere. she could barely get up.

"i have to get away from this beast right now."

Mia try her best to grab her stuff and drag her body slowly out of his room, and back in her room shutting the door and locking it as if she was trying to keep as monster out.

Mia refused to ever see ting again.

Soon she fall back to sleep in her room. Mia was to exhausted from all those exercise she did with him.

As soon as mia left the room. Ting come out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist covering his lower part and leaving his upper part to display.

He search his surrounding trying to find mia. but she was nowhere to be found. he looked at the door and realized she had escaped.

Ting staring at the door were his gaze soften. slowly ting remember how sweet she tasted and how much he couldn't control himself from wanting to eat her up again and again. Everytime he is inside her, he felt alive. ting was not ready to let her go even thought he knew he have tired her out. he couldn't count how many time he have make love to her.

Ting's mind has brought back to the present.

"Mia." as he whisper her name gentle, as if it was a precious treasure to be cherished.

His heart beat just by her name alone.

Ting couldn't wait to take her out on a date and enjoy a friendly talk with her to get to know her more. after all she is his wife.

Just the thought that he had already married her and spend his day with her makes his heart full of feelings he couldn't expressed.

Without realizing the time. it was already 8pm . Ting got ready and headed toward mia's room.

Mia still taking her nap and didn't know what time it's. the knock on the door woke her up.

Mia went to open the door for whoever dare to knock on her door this late hour.

Once she open the door and realized who it was. she back track herself and held her tongue. her heart was beating from seeing this beauty in front of her.

Mia forget to breath. her body start to shivered just by the way he look at her. Making her body remember those ambitious loving making causing her to trembled.

" what are you doing here?"

"Mmm.....did you forget about our friendly date today." ting said with a smirk.

" what friendly date? don't you remember what you did to me since this morning." she say with anger in her voice. finding her courage to speak. she was not ready to back down.

"Hmmm....i remembered how sweet you taste and you were the one who told me not to stop after our 2nd rounds."

Mia's eyes widen. she couldn't say anything. she remembered asking him for more which leading to many more after that. so it was her own fault.

Her jaw dropped after remembering. while she stood there frozen with her mouth open.

Ting gaze turn gentle as he move near her and put his hand around her waist, and lean his head next to her ears as he pull her close to his chest and whisper " i could show you once again."

Mia pushed him away.

"YOU GET OUT." she said as her face redden. her heart pounding, her stomach full of butterflies.

Mia couldn't figure out how to deal with this beast in front of her.

With her back turn to him. ting close the door behind him and walk slowly to her and hugged her from behind.

Mia could feel the spark running through her body.

Ting lean his head on her shoulder, breathing in her sweet scent.

"please i want to get to know my wife better. i want to know her likes and dislikes? i want to know everything about her. i want to please her needs and wants. i want to be the only one that knows her and understand her. please give me a chance mia."

As mia listen to his every word. she couldn't say "no" to him. she could only nodded "yes."

Ting felt Indescribable feelings he couldn't explain. once he release her. she head to the bathroom to get ready. before he let her go he shower her with kisses on her neck sending shiver down her body once more.

Mia quickly run out of his arms and head toward the bathroom.

Ting waited for her to get ready. he couldn't help but smile at her cuteness and how easily she can blushed from the smallest things he does to her.

"Mia i promise to make you happy."