Chapter Four- The Rally

Jack Smack (leader of the terrorist group White Angels) had his own political agenda that had nothing to do with the White Angels.

They may of been doing things for the Genalucards, but he had his own personal vendetta against them and had actually wanted to kill off the entire race.

Genalucards had wronged him when he was just a little boy, and now he wanted to murder them all by putting themselves against each other.

When he was a ten year old kid, Jack's parents were murdered by their Genalucard servants. The servants rebelled. One of the leaders, Sam Swanson, had planned this so they could all be set free.

To live in their own little slice of the world. Right in Italy, the only European country who accepted  them as free persons and the only country left that could suit their exothermic needs.

"Mom? Dad? Where are you?" Jack opened the door to his parents room.

Jack walked in on his parents being knifed and their bodies being put in bags. The servants had no intention of killing a child, but in letting him live, they caused themselves more problems in the long haul.

"What are you doing to my parents!?" The distraught Jack screamed in agonizing pain. The betrayal of his trust of the maids, butlers, and even his nanny had been a shock to him.

Jack didn't know that his parents were cruel to their servants and all of the other genalucards they had ever met. They just never acted wrong in front of Jack for fear of losing his love and admiration. They had hated the ones that the New Christian Church had deemed 'demons.'

They even looked like demons to them. The only use for demons to them was to make them their servants and treat them lowly. They gained the kind of pleasure a sadist got from messing with his prey. 

Jack was severely disappointed that his only friends had killed his parents. He was home-schooled and nurtured by these beings that he found to be interesting and far more wonderful to him then his parents.

He did feel a deep bond with his parents though and never wanted them to leave him. They were good to him in paying for his clothes, his room, his food, his usage of the power and the water, so he felt he was to give them the benefit of the doubt.

The benefit of the doubt which was that they were good parents and not the scum of the earth as many children had thought of their parents time and time again.

Watching their lifeless bodies being wrapped in plastic and being thrown out the windows was traumatizing. One of the genalucards, a maid, had knocked him out with her hand. She put him in his room on his bed, and didn't expect him to wake anytime soon. Leaving a witness was detrimental to the cause, but they knew where they were going and he didn't.

Jack woke up with a seething pain in his neck. It felt like a brick was plopped down on his neck and stayed there for hours. He remembered what his servants did to him and his parents. He called the police and they came over. There was no trace of the dead parents or the genalucards. No leads as to where they were going. So, Jack was just shit out of luck and knew they could never be together again.

He knew that his servants who he had become faithful in had left him alone with no one. With nothing at all. Jack had to be sent to his grandparents home, and he never seemed to get along with them. They never gave him the time of day.

Jack had never let go of the hatred he felt towards the night creatures and even at age thirty, was trying to cause them just as much pain and suffering as him. It didn't matter who, he felt that they all should suffer for what members of their race did to him and his parents. He didn't care what they felt.

+ + + + + + + +

"Let's get going Igor." Maisie spat. The night had come. The night that he had been dreading finally came. 

"Yes Mistress." Igor never said much to Maisie, but now he said even less due to her forcefulness in the past week. Igor and Maisie sat down in the hover car. Igor put on the GPS for the rally's address in Seattle, WA. They lived 100 miles away in one of the ocean communities.

They had to leave several hours early to make it in time for Jack Smack's speech. Luckily, for Maisie, there hadn't been any complications. Unlucky for Igor because he didn't want to be seen there or hear such radicalist views. The two got there just in time for Jack's entrance.

The crowd went wild when the boss man ran up on stage with a happy jog.

"Are you ready for this!?" The enthusiastic crazy man Jack Smack yelled. His spiked short yellow hair not moving placed in with gel, his white suit poking out like a sore thumb, his crazy Nordic blue eyes popping out of his face, and his goatee making him look even more like the devil himself.

"Yeah!" The audience of Alucards and Humans roared.

"Let's do this!" Jack Smack yelled again.

"Are you tired of the upper crust taking all of your tax money, humans?"


"Are you tired of the rich humans enslaving you, Genalucards?!"

"Yes. We do...." Several Genalucards piped up, rather silently but, they did.


"YESSSS WE DO!" The rest piped in.

"Well then come on let's get moving and shaking!"


The whole time this 'speech' was going on Igor was blocking it out. It was pretty moronic and sheepish to give into such a stupid man's words. Maisie was looking at the rally as if she had seen it many times over, which she had.

She was getting tired of the same old plot to drag in more voters and more people.

The reason for the need of more people for the White Angels organization was to basically create an army. An army which killed many of the politicians, celebrities, and all other genalucards.

The plan was to brainwash them into killing their surrounding people. Most workers in the organization did not know this was going on and had no idea of what the real end goal was. The blind lead the blind to a person who wasn't blind but didn't see clearly.

"Alright then! If you want to change the world, be sure to get in the White Angels vans. We will then proceed to take you to one of our facilities to explain our goals as an organization." Which really meant they were going to take anyone they could get to the brainwashing facility and unless the beasts on to the public.

One by one they went to the vans. Maisie, being naive as she was, forced Igor to get into a van.

"It'll be fine. Its a great organization, Igor, trust me." Trust her he did not, but fear of going back to the coal caves was very much instilled into him. He reluctantly got into the white van with the White Angel Logo on the side. The logo comprised of a white girl angel and the words.

"Hey." Another Genalucard said. He was short, had brown hair and amber eyes with a somewhat stocky figure and small hump which generally met he had small wings.

"Me?" Igor asked curious if the guy was talking to him.

"Of course you, I'm looking right at you aren't I?" The Alucard sniffed.

"Well, Hello to you too... then." Igor replied suspiciously of the stranger that had decided to try and strike up a conversation with him.

"Have you been to a rally before? My master's son made me go. Also stuck me in this goddamn van with the music turned up loud. I hate this music and its disturbingly happy-go-lucky."

"No I haven't been. My master's daughter threatened me into this. I hate the music too." Igor just went through the motions of responding to the guy's questions and remarks. He hadn't a clue if this guy was a friend, or a foe. There was no indication with him. Just a fake looking smile and a talkative mouth.

"You know, you're pretty stand offish." The genalucard remarked, embarrassing Igor in the process.

"At least i'm not striking up a conversation with someone I met at a rally for radical change." Igor whispered, hoping none of the other alucards had heard. He didn't know their take on the situation so he didn't dare put himself at risk by blubbering. 

"You know what? I like you. You don't let other people manipulate you." The other genalucard said.Whatever that meant Igor thought to himself.

"I didn't introduce myself. I'm Tak. Tak Jagger."

"Igor Lennox." Igor handshaked Tak. The guy was at least polite Igor reviewed.

The hover van stopped abruptly. Then it started back up puffing and huffing. It sounded like an untuned piano's strings being pulled wrong. Then it started falling down. As if it were a crash landing, but more of like a fast straight down landing. The van was then driven into what sounded like a garage

The happy-go-lucky music cut off halfway. The doors abruptly opened. Men in black suits, black sunglasses, strolled in with their funky blue hair and tan skin. All the appearance to show that they were human.

They tied up the twenty alucards and blind folded them. Then, they stuck a needle with Etorphine into the neck of each of them, all except Igor, for he was in the back corner and no one had gotten to him yet.

He heard Tak, and the man next to him plop to the ground. Igor freaked. He tried to get the blindfold off, but it was too late, a man had stuck him with their another needle.

The blue haired men in black all picked up a body. Genalucards are a heavier average weight than humans because of their big wings, so it was somewhat of a hassle for the men to get them into the carts.

The carts where pushed by the men into a few industrial sized elevator. Up the genalucards went. All the way up to a secret room only few knew the way to.