Chapter Ten- The Bitter Truth

After the confession between them, Igor and Maisie were back to their usual routines with a hint of being 'happy go lucky' towards one another. The two managed to spend most of their time together without looking suspicious towards anyone.

So they thought. They didn't try anything too dangerous that could get Igor into any real trouble. They stayed out of view when doing anything indecent. 


One day it had come to light that Maisie did in fact leave the White Angels. She let it slip that she had left the group for her mother, and even felt sorry about what she they had done to Igor, which he was very unsure what EXACTLY they did. Maisie didn't know either, but it was apparent enough that Igor had been brainwashed.


The meeting between friends?!

At Gene's house: (Gene was a friend of Maisie's from college that introduced her and the leader of the White angels)

"She left us, for what reason?!" A furious Jack Smack slammed his fist on Gene's brown wooden desk.

"She told me she couldn't do it anymore. She couldn't keep lying to her mother. She couldn't keep hurting her family and her servant."

"Her servant?!" Jack shouted, obviously only paying attention to one aspect of Maisie's reason for leaving. 

"Which servant?!"

"Her right hand servant, Igor." Gene stared at Jack hoping he wouldn't get anymore angry. Unfortunately, he did get more angry, furious even.

"Igor?! The one she 'dislikes'?!" Jack steamed. A vein bulged out above his right eyebrow. His face was as red as a beet. He wanted to smack Maisie. His prejudice attitude against GenAlucards was pretty apparent and leaked off his face. 

Maisie was someone special to Jack. She was one of the most pretty girls he had ever seen. He wanted her for himself. He wanted her to be his queen. His trophy. His right hand woman.

"We're going over there right now and getting this straightened out!" Jack hissed. Gene tried to get out of his way, but he pushed her aside, right into the wall, giving her a bruise on her right shoulder.


At the Lennox Mansion:

Jack's hover car landed right next to the front gate. He had to ask for permission to come inside to the Lennox mansion just like anyone else. He pushed the conference button.

"Hello, Welcome to the Lennox Mansion, what can I do for you today, Sir?"

"We're here to see Maisie."

"And who may I say are you?"

"I'm her friend Jack. This person right next to me is Gene."

"Oh yes, Gene. Come right in." Jack didn't give the guard any reason to suspect him of any ill intentions. Without any further questions the gates opened up wide letting him and Gene come in.

Jack knocked on the door. Drude, the servant of odd tasks, answered.

"Oh hello." The GenAlucard bowed. As expected of one. Even one who really didn't have respect for humans. "You're Gene, and Mr. Jack."

"How did you know my name?" Jack eyed him.

"Oh, I heard about you from Mistress Maisie." Drude actually had over heard Maisie blabbering on about Jack to her mother in the hallway while he was watering flowers.

"Yeah OK." Jack still looked at him suspiciously, still keeping his cool around a being he severely disliked. When did Maisie talk to her servants?

"Take me to Ms. Maisie." Jack waved Drude on.

"Right away sir."

Jack had come to the mansion pretty early in the morning. He had came at the time Ms. Maisie was getting ready.

Drude knocked on Maisie's door. A rat-atata.

"Who is it?"

"Drude, Mistress."

"What are you here for?" What was a odd jobs servant doing knocking on her door?

"Your friends Jack and Gene are here to see you."  She thought she told Gene to never speak to her again, because she wasn't so understanding about her leaving the White Angels.

"Take them to the sitting room and make them tea and bring the pastries.

"Yes Mistress."


Maisie brought Igor with her to be there just in case something were to happen.

Maisie and Igor walked into the sitting room where Jack and Gene were having a cup of Earl Grey tea and those pastries, which were made up of chocolate croissants, and danishes. Jack eyed Igor up and down. So, he was Igor.

Igor looked at Jack, the leader of the White Angels he so despised.

Gene looked at Maisie sadly, who was her best friend, and now isn't due to some disagreements.

Maisie stared at Gene disappointed that she wouldn't understand her reasons for leaving and wouldn't stay friends with her after.

Jack stared at Maisie, the woman he 'loved' and admired her impeccable beauty.

"So, What are you two here for?" Maisie asked Gene.

"We came to try and ask you to come back." Gene said.

"I came here to confess how I feel about you." Jack said. Gene was mortified. She herself felt affection towards Jack but knew he only thought about her as someone to use.

"How do you feel?" Maisie was now curious. Igor stood in the corner starting to get a little bit angry at the fact that Maisie wanted to know his feelings, and Jack's gall to say something about it in front of him.

"I love you. You're absolutely gorgeous. I want you to be my queen. To live in a palace that I will own one day. I will be king, we will have offspring, and it'll become a wonderful country, rid of the Gen-Alucards." 

Maisie gasped about that last part. He had been lying to her the whole time about trying to help them. She had her suspicions. She just was so naive. Igor was fuming even more. He already knew the man was a lying, thieving, venomous snake soaking in poison air.

"Wait, what was that last part?" Maisie wasn't sure she actually heard him say all that.

"I didn't mean to let that slip, but you were going to need to find out eventually, if you were to be my queen." 

"Oh no, no, no. I can't accept your love, Jack. I love Alucards. They're beautiful and mysterious. It would be a shame to get rid of them." Maisie said while staring towards Igor, giving away something about their relationship without realizing it. "Not only that, but there is someone else I adore with all my heart." Maisie put her hand on her left breast. Jack saw the look she gave Igor. He put two and two together.

"You are in love with him, is that it?!" He pointed at Igor. Jack's fuse had just blown.

"You don't get to know who I'm in love with! Now get out of this room and please, keep your plans of grandiosity out of my house!" Igor was about to jump Jack for yelling at Maisie, and for being such an asshole.

Gene shriveled away, drinking tea. This was getting intense and she couldn't handle watching Jack get that way.

"Oh really!? Says the woman who loves the scum of the EARTH?!" The absurd leader of the white angels spat out towards her. Igor then jumped out at Jack and put a death grip on his neck. Jack couldn't breathe and was gasping for air.

"Oh no, please let him go!" Gene pleaded.

"Don't you dare disrespect my mistress, you understand?" Igor's eyes burned redder than they'd ever been, and his claws had ripped right through his black leather gloves.

"Y-esss." Jack somehow worked a word out of his mouth. 

Igor let go of him. When he was almost strangling Jack to death, Maisie had found two security servants to escort her two ex-friends off the premise.

"Goodbye forever Jack." Maisie waved him off as he was shoved into his car. Two servants in a pair of limos with bull bars on the front of them pushed and towed Jack's car out of the area, miles away. They had taken his keys and his car wasn't even on.

"Here's your keys. Don't ever come back." The security servant threw an enraged Jack Smack his keys. They had damaged his car quite a bit getting him there. They and Maisie would pay for everything. Them for the damage, and for being who they were, and Maisie for rejecting him for a GENALUCARD!