Chapter Twelve- Gene and Jack

White Angels headquarters:

"Maisie has abandoned us, tossed us aside." Jack frowned. He couldn't fathom any reason she would leave despite the fact that ideals change over time and people do too. Maisie was a pretty vital part of their team, she provided management to the day to day operations of the organization. She was lovely in every which way and he was angry he couldn't have her.

He was infuriated at her for chosing that THING over him! The difficult part of it was she did not make her reasons very clear for leaving, and now there didn't seem to be a hope that she would ever come back because of him blurting, speaking his mind. Did she find out about the brain washing too?

"Well, she is trying to be a political science major, maybe she changed her mind about our group." Genevieve inquired. Maisie had seemed to want to work in government but probably didn't want to get tangled with the wrong nonprofit groups.

"She's probably trying to focus on other things, like her studies."

"I bet it was that servant, Igor that convinced her to leave." If that was the case then he could always turn him against her with their hypnosis of him, not to harm her that was, but maybe to convince her to come back to the Angels.

"Now that's just being paranoid, she might have a bleeding heart for the Alucards but she's not 'into' them..." Genevieve said, thinking that she actually knew her friend. "You should probably just give up on her Jack..." She wished he would just focus on her more and her efforts, she'd been with him and the group longer than Maisie had been.

Genevieve was two years older than Maisie and met Jack in freshman year of college. He had been a guest lecturer in her humanities class He wasn't there to recruit but something about his charisma and personality had her drawn to him.


How Genevieve met Jack, four years previously:

It had begun like any other day at the University of Washington where Gene took classes, and it was beautiful outside on compass as the apple blossom trees were in full bloom and the grass was a wonderful bright green and kept trimmed.

The unfortunate part of spring was foliage caused Gene to sneeze and get the sniffles so she was only able to admire the flowers from afar.

Gene decided to relax before her classes started. She wanted to read her book but enjoy the peaceful early afternoon sunshine in the comfort of inside.

She gazed outside the window while sitting in the on campus library observing and admiring the Steller's Jays hopping about. Their black fluffy heads poking at the ground for worms and some of them dancing to get to their next meal. She always thought of them as a very pleasing bird with a gorgeous black head and neck, and a cyan blue body, but the outside doesn't always meet the inside.

The Steller's Jay was known for being basically a crow or seagull in disguise, wreaking havoc on the world.

It seemed, just to interrupt the peaceful scene, a man wearing a khaki suit and light blue tie sat down on a bench in the distance to eat his lunch.

She could not see what he had for lunch but that his hair stood out as very yellow and well styled and placed, that was until one of the Steller's Jay flew into said hair.

Genevieve could see the man leap up out of fright with an inaudible scream and his food falling on the ground. The opportunity was there and the flock of Stellar's Jays all flew towards his partially eaten ham and cheese hoagie, and the man stomped back at them. He threw his hands up and left his sandwich there.

Gene had a good laugh about that, because she knew the behavior of the Steller's Jays was similar to that of seagulls at the beach. The gist of it was, don't eat food in front of hungry birds.

Gene had her humanities class next that was based in the social sciences. When she arrived at her lecture hall, she saw the man from the previous scene talking to her professor. He had striking features to say the least. He was blonde with astonishing Nordic blue eyes that kept your attention, a well groomed and trimmed goatee, a slightly lighter blond and red shade, and was wearing basic eyeliner.

She basically made her presence almost disappear, walking as quietly as possible to one of the back desks. Her appearance wasn't the best or the worst in the classroom but she felt it wasn't worthy. She usually didn't care about her appearance though and opted to wear clothing that was comfortable and have her red hair up.

"Good afternoon class, this is Jack Smack, our guest speaker." Mr. Ed, an older, almost retired professor said. He had gray hair and a moustache and Jack basically towered over him.

Gene hadn't been aware that there was to be a guest speaker that day.

"This was decided last minute that he was to come in and give some perspective about non profits and their altruistic nature and willingness to help others, and after I expect an essay on your chose of non profit, you could even use his, the White Angels."

"Hello, I lead a group that helps the less fortunate including the Genalucards who need representation. We go around the country informing the people about how they could make their lives better. We also give the less fortunate alternative routes to become successful when usually they don't have a direct ladder to move out of poverty. We try to provide food and shelter for the homeless but also help them get back into the work force. They say that Jesus taught men to fish instead of just giving them one. You can give a man a fish and feed him for a day, you can TEACH a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime." Jack smiled.

"Anyone have any questions?"

"What is it like be the head of an organization like that one?" a male student asked.

" I spend long hours working, and have very little time to myself, but the rewards are worth it." Jack winked. He was one of the most charismatic people Gene had met.

"Anyone else have a question?"

"How did you become the leader of your organization?" a young lady inquired.

"I was one of the original founders. We created an American version of the Black Angels in the UK. I suppose they chose me to become the representative of the group because of my ability to lead." Jack looked up and into the back and at Genevieve who kind of blushed.

"I'm willing to help guide anyone who wants to write their paper on our organization." He seemingly kept landing his eyes on Gene, like he just knew her and her abilities.

"Please line up if you want to write your paper on the white Angels." The professor, Mr. Ed mentioned.

Gene and one other person were the only ones at all interested in talking to Mr. Smack about the White Angels. Everyone else seemed more interested in writing a paper on environmental non profits or animal protection non profits like PETA.

"Hello girls, I can answer some of your questions or would you like to tour the white angels space yourself?" Jack said.

Interesting, Gene thought.

"I would just like to ask some questions." the other girl mentioned.

"I would definitely love to tour your facilities." Gene said, and Jack smiled widely.

"Wonderful, Gene is it? Your professor mentioned despite your lack of trying appearance wise you have top scores in the class." Gene kind of glared at her professor who was talking to some of the other students. She blushed a little.

"I put more focus on the important things." Gene remarked.

The rest as you knew, was history. Gene became Jack's direct helper whilst still trying to go to school. At some point she decided to drop out because why did she need school when she became a figure head in the organization?

She felt appreciated enough and went along with the motions and over time became pretty infatuated with the man known as Jack Smack. Gene was not aware of any of what was going on behind the scenes or the brain washing of the Genalucards. She knew Jack had a temper but dealt with it because she had thought he meant well. She was previously unaware of his attraction to Maisie, ten years his younger, and unaware that he had seemingly fell in love with her.

That was a wake up call as Gene really liked Jack but never really knew him as well as she wanted to, it was kind of a stage crush. She wished she would of made him get to know her better or asked him out previously. Now, it seemed to be too late. She wondered if she had pursued him, would he of reciprocated her feelings?