In the forest

Mike sat on a fallen over tree and spun the sacrificial knife in his hand, it was weird despite not being very dexterous he was able to spin, flip and catch the knife without much effort or even looking at it, it was almost like it was part of his own body. While Mike spun the knife around he bit into the mint tasting fruit and looked over at the remains of the giant wolf, then at his left arm where he had been bitten and finally at the knife he currently was spinning on his index finger and gave a nod as he spoke to the knife

"I'm definitely keeping you"

The knife gave a soft pulse of red light at Mike's words, then he took another bite of the fruit, then he looked around again

"Where is this anyways?"

A couple of possibilities ran through Mike's head but the one that seemed most likely was

"...another world"

Mike glanced over to the carcass of the wolf once more before he gave a sigh and threw the knife into the air stood up and caught it behind his back before he walked over next to the corpse of the wolf that was little more than a bone bag at this point and kneeled down next to it and felt the fur

"This will do nicely…"

Then Mike cut out a square of the fur before he made a hole in the middle where he stuck his head though, now wearing a makeshift poncho Mike began walking onwards while he munched on the mint fruits. Time passed and eventually it became evening, so Mike did as he had seen on a survival show on the television and climbed a tree before he sat down on a branch and looked up at the stars, he of course didn't recognize any of the star formations but tried his best to memorize them as time passed he got more and more sleepy and eventually fell asleep…

When Mike woke up again he almost fell down from the tree in shock after all there was a giant snake right in front of him, well the dried husk of one anyways, Mike saw that his sacrificial knife sat in the neck of the almost 15 meter long snake and glowed with a soft red light, Mike opened his hand and the knife flew from the neck of the snake right into his hand, Mike grabbed the handle tightly before he brought the knife up to his mouth and gave it a kiss right on the blade

"Good morning to you my sweet prince"

then he jumped down from the tree again and continued walking in the same direction, while he walked he failed to notice that the red light from the knife gradually grew dimmer as i seemed to transfer into his hand via the hilt of the knife. Around noon Mike discovered a river and was finally able to sate his thirst for the first time since he had been brought over to this new and strange world

"Ah...water… the lifeblood of all life… now did that documentary say to follow the river downstream or upstream?"

Mike gave a shrug and half seriously decided to follow the river downstream

'Hopefully I will reach human civilization soon… or any kind of civilization will do as long as the people there don't want to eat me… well I suppose that happens too in human civilization'

Mike walked while he did his new favorite pastime, spinning the sacrificial knife around like a toy. As evening came Mike once again climbed a tree and fell asleep…

Mike opened his eyes with a set, it was the middle of the night and he had just heard a scream and looked down from his tree at the source of the scream, there was a man clad in leather armor with a knife sticking into his shoulder

'Wait that's my knife!'

Mike quickly jumped down from the tree but before he landed on the ground the man had already been mummified as all his blood had been sucked by the knife, Mike walked over and saw the corpse before he looked at the knife that still sat in the shoulder of the unknown man and scolded

"Bad knife!"

The sacrificial knife seemingly ignoring his scolding flew back into his hand, just then Mike picked up some sounds behind him and turned around and came face to face with three other people that wore similar leather armor to the person that had just (traticly) died, one of them yelled

"He killed Jimmy!"

Feeling the situation escalate Mike raised his hands and yelled

"Wait that was not me!"

The three people paused and looked at each other before one of them spoke while she drew back an arrow aimed at Mike

"Then who killed him?"

She had tears in her eyes as she sent glances to her dead companion, her eyes were filled with half sorrow and half hatred, Mike knew that his next words most likely would not help his current situation but he still said them after he swallowed his saliva

"It was this knife, it has been moving beyond my control for some time now"

The woman narrowed her eyes slightly before she let the arrow fly from her bow, it flew in the air for about half a second before it buried itself in Mike's shoulder, he felt his head go cold as he realized she was trying to kill him, then a red light flashed in his eyes before he yelled

"You're trying to kill me!"

The two men in leather armor realized Mike was about to attack and raised their swords to intercept him, meanwhile the woman released another arrow that Mike just managed to dodge by tilting his body backwards, then he kicked off the ground and slashed at the closest man with his knife, the man tried to block with his sword but when his sword met with the sacrificial knife something amazing happened, the knife passed though the blade of the sword like a hot… well knife through butter before it cut along the man's neck sending blood splattering outwards from his now cut arteries, the man clutched his throat as he kneeled over as he tried to stop the flow of blood out of his body, the woman released another arrow that buried itself in Mike's stomach, Mike let out a roar as he slashed at the other man, the man knew he was unable to block with his sword so he tried to dodge by tilting his body to the side, it almost worked the key part being almost as a small cut was left on his cheek, this in and off itself would not have been fatal had it been any other knife that cut him, Mike clutched the knife and yelled the words that appeared in his head


What happened next was unreal, suddenly blood came pouring out of the small cut on the man's face and before he was able to scream he had turned into a dried up mummy and fell over, the blood entered the knife that now glowed with an eerie red light, the red light poured down Mike's arm as he felt his heartbeat go out of control before he kicked off the ground and tackled the woman down, knocking the bow out of her hands and mounted her stomach while pressing her arms down with his legs before he raised the knife up high


Mike paused before he tilted his head to the side slightly


"I surrender!"



"I said, so what?"


Mike cut off the woman that was about to explain herself by stabbing the knife into her heart before he twisted it to the side and said in a flat tone

"You tried to kill me"

The woman tried to say something but in the end she was unable to as the light went out of her eyes before her corpse got drained for blood and turned into a dried up husk, Mike gave a sigh and sat up before he gritted his teeth and pulled out the two arrows that sat in his shoulder and stomach before a red light covered his wounds and healed them in an instant then he looked around, there were two drained corpses and one fresh corpse, Mike felt like he should drain the last corpse of blood so he walked over and stabbed the knife into the corpse before he muttered

"What was it again..? oh , right [Drink]"

After the corpse was drained off blood Mike pulled out the knife and began looking over the things that used to belong to the party of 4, counting up his loot he found a bow, 7 arrows, two swords, one half sword and a backpack with various supplies including some dried food and a waterskin that was half filled, while spinning around the knife in his hand Mike mumbled

"So judging by their supplies some kind of town or supply station should be near here…"

Mike shrugged his shoulders and packed the two swords and the broken one down into the backpack before he swung it over his shoulder and walked into the night forest, after walking for about 10 minutes under the moonlight Mike mumbled

"This should be far enough…"

Then he climbed a tree and went to sleep again