
As Mike's finger landed on the Y his body shock, it felt like all the experience he had accumulated drained from his body into the crystal ball before a warm flow returned from the crystal ball into his body, the flow of warmth spread all over his body as he felt himself getting stronger by the moment until suddenly it stopped and returned to the crystal ball. Mike took a breath of air before he gave a rare smile

"This sure is addicting…"

Mike put his hand on the crystal ball again and after it glowed vermilion it showed a new set of words

Name: Mike

Age: 26

Level: 1

Skills: [Knife control] [Drink] [Blood body enhancement]

Experience: 0/ 10.000

Mike looked over the words and noticed he had gotten a new skill, wondering what to do about it, he was about to ask the nun when he remembered he had just murdered her in cold blood, after thinking for a bit Mike moved his finger and clicked on the new skill then the words changed.

[Blood body enhancement]

Type: passive

Description: every time blood is drawn with the [Drink] skill a [small] portion of it goes to enhancing the users body but healing wounds take priority.


As soon as Mike finished reading the words they changed back to his status screen, Mike thought for a bit and decided to check out his two other skills and clicked on [Knife control] next.

[Knife control]

Type: passive

Description: enhances motor control, eyesight and overall dexterity by a [large] amount when wielding a knife like weapon.

"This one is good too… let's check the last one---"

Just as Mike was about to press the last skill [Drink] the door to the room was suddenly kicked in and three knights with crosses on their armor jumped into the room and surrounded Mike, without saying anything the first knight slashed at Mike with his longsword, Mike tilted his body to the side and was about to slash at the knight when another knight covered him by launching another attack. Like this Mike was gradually forced back into a corner of the room.

'This is bad…'

Mike knew he was getting cornered but was unable to do anything as the three knights worked perfectly in synch, finally he gritted his teeth and decided to take a hit to deal one and rushed forwards with his left arm raised towards the incoming longsword while he slashed out with his right arm. The knights were startled by his sudden move and their lack of experience showed when they failed to cover for each other, not like experienced and/or skilled temple knights would stay in a small nameless town after all, so Mike's knife went straight through the temple knights poorly made full helmet and slashed his face in half killing him at once as the tip of the knife cut into his brain. The next two knights panicked but the longsword still landed on Mike's arm cutting into his arm and even made a small nick into his arm bone, Mike gritted his teeth and slashed at another knight, cutting his neck before he stabbed his knife into the final fleeing temple knight and yelled.


The knight tumbled over dead leaving Mike in the room that now was rather full of corpses, Mike quickly caught his breath before he drained the blood from the two knights which fully healed his arm, although the pain from the cut still lingered. After that Mike left the small prayer room behind and walked out of the temple, luckily no one seemed to be alert in the lobby.

'What do I do now?.. It's only a question of time before someone finds the corpses… Let's leave town at once.'

With his decision made Mike walked towards the edge of town and gave a nod at the guards as he walked past.

'... Luckily for me the security infrastructure is rather poor in this town… Best make it further away from town though…'

Mike walked on the dirt road for sometime until he reached a forest, once he made it into the forest he walked off the road and into the woods…

About two days after Mike left the nameless town a giant creature descended from the sky in front of the temple, it had the body of a lion and the head of an eagle and a pair of mighty wings, on the back of it sat a knight with the symbol of the temple on the chest of her armor, she ignored the group of onlookers and directly stepped off the griffon and walked into the temple. Inside the temple the head priest stood ready, he had been waiting all day yet a humble expression was plastered on his old face, when the young female knight stepped into the temple he gave a deep bow and spoke.

"Welcome your excellency, we have prepared a feast for you after that please rest since you must be tired from your---"

"Take me to see the bodies."

Despite being interrupted by the clearly younger knight a humble smile was still on the face of the head priest as he bowed low once again before he gestured for the knight to follow him further into the temple.

"Please follow after me."

The head priest and the female knight walked further into the temple and soon arrived at a locked room where two knights stood guard, the knights gave a salute when they saw the head priest.

"Open the door."

"Yes at once your excellency!"

The knights quickly opened the door to the room, the head priest and the female knight stepped into the room and at once the female knight walked over to the table where a piece of cloth covered 4 bodies. She took off her helmet and revealed her short silver hair and sharp silver eyes and sat down the helmet on the table before she removed the cloth that covered the bodies. When she saw the bodies that had been drained of blood she gave a frown and began to examine them further, soon her frown grew even deeper when she discovered that all four of the bodies had stab wounds that seemed to originate from the same weapon and spoke out.

"You did well in contacting the main temple, this is not the work of a vampire but of a cursed weapon."

The look on the head priest's face changed dramatically before he kneeled down and spoke.

"These old bones live to serve the temple, but can you enlighten me? This dumb servant knows not of what a cursed weapon is."

The female knight thought for a few moments before she spoke.

"Cursed weapons are all mighty weapons that enhance the strength of the users like blessed weapons, but cursed weapons gradually change their wielder into something… Unholy"

"Thank you for enlightening this old servant."

The female knight fell into deep thought for a moment before she spoke.

"I am afraid I won't be enjoying your hospitality as this is a grave matter that needs to be reported to the temple."

"This old servant understands and wish you a safe journey madam paladin."

Mike let out a yawn as he woke up, he had been spending the last three days in the forest living off the land and hunting everyday but there was one thing he wondered about as he picked up the pelts of the game he had hunted the last three days.

"I wonder if I can level up again?"

Mike knew that heading back to the same town was most likely a death sentence for him so he gradually decided to follow the road and see where it took him, Mike gave a nod and opened his had before the sacrificial knife flew over and landed in his hand before it gave off a soft red glow. Lucky he had kept his money and his ID card in his pockets thus they were not lost along with the backpack he had robbed off the adventures in the forest, Mike dug into his pockets and pulled out one silver coin and five bronze coins.

"The silver coin is 50 and the bronze ones are 5 each so I have 75 left… I wonder if I can enter a city with this..?"

Mike felt a little regret in spending 100 on the week long stay in the inn he never got to enjoy but quickly cheered up as he looked at the pelts he had gathered over the past three days, there were five whole pelts in total, each from small game.

"This should be about worth about a week in an inn right?.. Well hopefully, I really don't want to sleep outside anymore…"

While complaining and rubbing his sore back Mike walked out of the forest and found a random road and followed it, soon he heard some noise up ahead and decide to investigate.

"... You gotta be kidding me, what is this some Japanese light novel?"

In front of Mike, about 25 meters away from where he was hiding in the bushes was a carriage that seemed to be in the process of getting robbed by bandits.