Target of the extermination

Over the evening the distance between Mike and Julie shrunk without the pair in question noticing, but alas the two of them ran out of sunlight and eventually had to say goodnight and shared a hug which neither of them wanted to break before they eventually parted and the night grew longer.

As the full moon watched over, shadows moved in the campsite with ill intent, they gradually neared where Mike was resting, they had reached an idea, said idea was went something like 'Even if he's level 3 he has to sleep sometimes and that's when we get him' and so the group of adventures snuck up on the still sleeping Mike until one of them let out a whisper to his buddy next to him

"Wait where did the giant wolf go?"

"Who cares, just get the---"


"---Bastard, eh?"


The group of adventures eventually got near enough to Mike to hit him with their crossbows in the dim moonlight, what they had not noticed however was that some of them were missing, and even as they lined their crossbows up on target their companions kept disappearing as if they just melted into the night, soon one of them (which there was 7 left at this point) lined up a shot and fired a bolt at Mike that was sleeping


A flash of metal meeting metal in the night before the sleeping figure of Mike disappeared from view

"Fuck, where did he go!?"

"Right here"


Mike stabbed the knife into the middle of the forehead of the adventure before he yelled at the top of his lungs

"Enemy attack!"

Quickly the camp awoke and began moving towards where the yell had come from, meanwhile, Mike and Serina slaughtered all but one of the adventures that had attacked him, the last one he stabbed both shoulders before he kicked him in the stomach sending him flying before he hit a tree and got the wind knocked out of him, at this point in time Julie showed up carrying a touch

"Mike are you okay!?"

Mike looked over and saw Julie wearing some cute white bunny pajamas with her sword and belt/sheath hurriedly stabbed onto her hip

"I am fine, but the same can't be said for these guys"

Julie looked around and spotted several mangled corpses before she asked

"Who did this?"


As Mike called out her name she materialized right next to him, her vermilion fur was extra vivid around her mouth, Julie was visibly astonished by the fact that she had not detected Serina even though she was this close and took a step back in fear, Mike walked over and grabbed her hand before he ever so carefully guided it to Serina's nose

"She won't hurt you, don't worry"

"I-I see… Good giant-night-terror-wolf?"

"Her name is Serina"


Serina let out a happy bark before she began wagging her tail back and forth, Julie relaxed a little before she heard a groan of pain from nearby and looked over and saw the adventure Mike had stabbed in the shoulder that was groaning in pain, meanwhile the other adventures began arriving, Mike clapped Julie on the shoulder and spoke

"Just now I was attacked, if I had not sensed something and feigned sleeping while being ready I would have been dead… But what wonders me now is that it isn't bandits but my own comrades that attacked me in the middle of the night!"

Mike looked over at the survivor and continued

"I have to say if this was a joke it was a very poor one, firing a crossbow bolt at a sleeping person's head… Unfortunately, I discovered too late that it was adventures that I was fighting in the dim light so I ended up killing all but one, you may interrogate him if you doubt me"

Julie fumed with anger and walked over and directly stabbed her sword into the eye of the survivor before she turned to the rest of the adventures and loudly yelled

"Listen up! Any and all infighting from now on will be dealt with by killing the provoking party, is that understood!?"

The thirty or so adventures exchanged looks before they agreed to Julie's proposal, after all they were here to kill monsters and not each other, besides no one wanted to mess with a pissed off [Paladin] and so the group of adventures quickly dispersed and went back to their tents, after all the dawn didn't wait for their beauty sleep Mike still held Julie's hand and gave it a squeeze before he thanked her

"Thanks Julie"

Julie wiped the blood splatter off her sword and gave a sweet smile before she gave a nod, then she began playing with her hair and asked

"B-By the way… What do you think?"

Mike paused for a moment before he looked Julie in her bunny pajamas over before he suddenly closed in and hugged her before he spoke directly into her ear

"You're very cute, almost want to eat you"

Julie blushed and showed a silly smile before she broke away and ran back towards her tent, Mike gave a sigh and looked over at Serina that was watching him while slowly wagging her tail

"Let's go back to sleep"

Time passed and soon Mike was awoken again by Serina's snore which he had gotten used to by now

'Today should be the day we reach the extermination grounds… I wonder what we're here for in the first place?'

Mike gave a sigh, he had a feeling that the rest of the extermination was going to be slightly... Unpleasant

"Well, whatever…"

Mike stretched and dug into the saddlebags to find some food when his ears picked up movement nearby and he looked over and saw Julie, she was like a deer caught in the headlights when Mike looked at her until she showed a sweet smile and spoke

"I have come for some breakfast… I didn't wake you did I?"

Mike showed a smile and patted Serina on the head

"No this one's snore already woke me up… Please take a seat, we have all kinds of preserved delicacies on sale today"

Julie gave a smile and walked over and sat down on the blanket Mike was sitting on before she blinked her eyes cutely and asked

"Are they not free..? But dear sir I have brought no money with me…"

Mike put on a lewd smile and spoke as he looked over Julie

"In that case, you can pay with your body young lady!"


"...Yeah I regretted that when it came out of my mouth too"

Julie gave a giggle before she reached out and took Mike's hand and spoke with a slight blush on her face

"Is this payment enough?"

"Yeah… Sure is"

After Mike and Julie ate breakfast/flirted the convoy started moving again, but to Mike's surprise Julie didn't go out scouting today but he quickly found out why when he asked her

"That's because I am done scouting"

"Oh, I see… And what exactly is it we're going to be fighting then?"

"Orgers, I have found several small villages that seem to be in a network together"

"I see… So because they communicate they're dangerous?"

"Yes, they seem to be preparing to raid some of the nearby villages"

"I see… In that case, they have to die"

Julie gave a sweet smile and a nod

"Yeah my thoughts exactly"

Soon the convoy arrived in the vicinity of the first Orger village and silently dismounted from the carriages before they began to move to surround the village, Mike was part of the main force along with most of the adventures while Julie was responsible for cutting off their retreat, Mike sneaked along with Serina, him being a level 3 was responsible for the middle and he was also expected to lead the charge

"Easy now…"

Mike was crouched down next to Serina and patted her on the side of her body as he calmed her down, they were hidden in some brushes looking at an idyllic Orger village in front of them, the young were playing around while the older worked, in fact the only difference that Mike could see from this village and a human one were the inhabitants. The inhabitants being way bigger than humans but they were also bipedal with the biggest one being about two and a half meter high, they were fat and had pig like heads, suddenly one of the young ones neared the brushes where Mike and Serina were hiding before it made eye contact with Serina and froze

"Well then… Time to get this show on the road!"

Serina leaped off the ground and bit down on the young Orger's head before she shook her head from side to side, spraying blood and pieces of flesh into the surroundings as the young squealed fort a short time until a snap was heard and it went limp in Serina's maw