The two headed Orger

Julie hurried back and informed Mike that a giant monster was coming after them, Mike gave a nod and looked over at the carriages with adventures and gave a smile that sent chills down the spines of the adventures

"I have an idea…"

The giant Orger eventually caught up with the adventure convoy and began reaping havoc, first it kicked over a carriage sending it flying along with the horses along with the adventures inside, the rest stopped their carriages and mounted a desperate, but eventually futile resistance against the giant Orger as they were crushed, sent flying and eventually the Orger began eating them, as for Mike and Julie they were nowhere to be seen until suddenly a shadow flew and landed on the back of the two headed Orger and sent out a slash towards its neck, but alas the skin of the Orger was too thick so Mike clicked his tongue when he realized he had not drawn any blood with his strike


The Orger shock him off and Mike landed on the ground before it turned to him and let out a roar, Mike let out a slight smile before he dodged its attempt to grab him before he yelled

"Now Julie!"

The Orger sensed something was wrong but it was too late as Julie came flying with full speed and landed a slash on the same spot where Mike had slashed it, cutting deep enough to draw blood, the Orger let out a roar of anger as it changed its target to Julie that flew on her griffon, Mike used this opportunity to dash in between its legs just as a drop of blood fell from its neck, time slowed down for Mike as he slashed it apart mid air before he yelled

"This is it! [Drin---"


Mike was sent flying by a kick from the Orger just as he was about to drain its blood, his body flew through the air and eventually crashed into a tree, Julie saw it all from the air and yelled out


Mike didn't respond, this made Julie fear the worst but then suddenly his finger twitched before as the blood flowing down his face began forming sinister runes, then his eyes suddenly snapped open and he yelled

"That fucking hurt!"

The next moment Mike disappeared from view before he reappeared next to the leg of the Orger and punched out


A low boom sounded out before as the leg of the giant two headed Orger caved inwards and it let out a roar of pain before it attempted to step on Mike that hurriedly moved out of the way, Julie watched with awe from the air as Mike then proceed to kick the snot out of the Orger by first jumping up and then kicking its other leg, breaking its knee with a loud snap which was quickly followed by a loud roar of pain from both the heads of the two headed Orger before it was forced to kneel down on one knee, as it did it reached out to try and grab Mike, but Mike was faster and stepped to the side before he grabbed its outstretched hand and twisted it with such force that its wrist broke

"How do you like dem apples!?"

Just as Mike was about to pounce on the two headed Orger Julie yelled out in a slightly shaking voice

"That's enough Mike, heal yourself now!"

Mike paused and suddenly felt lightheaded as he swayed slightly before he muttered


Then it came, pain like he had never felt before as his shattered bones were being mended forcefully along with his torn muscle fibers, all his nerves screamed out in pain before he blacked out and collapsed on the ground, the last thing he heard was the two headed Orger scream out as its blood was being drained…

Mike felt something stirred within the dark abyss he found himself in, gradually the darkness broke apart as a light hum was heard around him, then he gradually began to wake up as the humming got clearer in his ears before he slowly opened his eyes and blinked a few times before it really sank in that his head was laying on Julie's lap, Julie herself was sitting with closed eyes while she was humming a song Mike didn't recognize with closed eyes while her hand slowly ran through his hair

'Damn, I am one lucky son of a gun'

Mike truly felt blessed that he had managed to make such a gentle (when she was not killing people that is) and beautiful girl like him, at least he was 99% sure that she liked him, Mike tried to raise his arm but felt a mind numbing pain which made him grimace and let out a groan which made Julie aware that he was awake, she opened her eyes and looked down at him with a slightly concerned look on her face

"Mike? Thank the holiness that you are awake, how do you feel?"

"Well… Frankly like dying would be the easy way out… But I think I'll live…"

"That's good… I was worried"

Mike gave a smile and ignored the mind numbing pain he felt in his entire body as he reached up with his hand and stroked Julie's cheek as he reassured her

"In that case I am definitely fine"

Julie gave a nod before she suddenly looked up from Mike at one of the adventures that approached before he reported

"Lady [Paladin] we have confirmed the numbers of survivors and injured and repaired one of the carriages… We are ready to move if you are?"

Julie gave a nod

"Then head back to Morkove without us, I have sent Molly with a message to bring some manpower in order to disassemble the two headed Orger's corpse"

"I understand… I will relay your words to the rest of the survivors"

The adventure gave a glance at Mike before he turned and walked away as he clicked his tongue, Mike gave a smile as he watched the back of the adventure before he called out


Serina appeared next to the two of them in the dying light her eyes shone slightly green giving her a sinister look

"Bring me some corpses with blood in them"

Serina gave a bark and ran off to complete her task, meanwhile Julie asked


"Because I need to heal completely"

"Oh… I see, in that case I'll help her"

"Nah that won't be necessary… Besides don't you want to stay like this a little longer?"

Julie thought for a moment before she gave a slightly shy nod as she continued playing with Mike's hair… After draining the blood of some newly dug up, just buried corpses Mike was gradually able to move again and so he left Julie's comforting lap and stood up before he stretched making most of his bones pop, then he turned to Julie that smiled at him, her eyes however were not smiling



"Next time you are hurt and have the ability to heal yourself you will do so at once, understood?"

"...Yes ma'am"

After that little snag, Mike and Julie continued flirting as per usual and eventually went to sleep snuggled up against each other as both of them leaned up against Serina…

Early the next morning Mike woke up feeling that something was not quite right, so he silently got up, leaving Serina and Julie in dreamland before he walked over towards the corpse of the giant two headed Orger and saw that there were people with greedy expressions in the progress of disassembling it

'Oh no you don't'

Then he yelled out loud


As Mike yelled he drew attention to himself, the people that were in the process of disassembling the Orger stopped their work and looked at him before one of them yelled

"What the fuck do you want!? Move along, this is ours!"

"Yeah, no it's not… Now if you don't want to fight two level 3's I suggest you run the fuck away leaving any and all goods you have stolen from my kill!"

The corpse thieves looked at each other before they broke out laughing

"Level 3? This brat is level 3? AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

"And he said that there was two level 3's!? AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Mike gave a smile, at that moment Julie walked out of the bushes behind him, suddenly the laughter stopped and when Serina morphed out of thin air next to Mike the corpse thieves suddenly broke out in cold sweat, Mike's smile widened before he patted Serina that was showing her teeth and growling on the side of her head as he spoke to her

"You can have the ones that run away girl"

Then he took a single step forwards, this step however felt like a stomp that shattered the earth to the corpse thieves that suddenly shivered before one of them yelled


"Yeah, no that's not going to work..."