A new home

"Well then… Looks like this is it"

Julie gave a nod before she glanced at the map the receptionist had drawn

"Yeah let's head inside"


Mike opened the door to the estate manager and walked inside, inside were a rather homey reception with a few receptionists, there were only a few customers inside so it was quickly Mike and Julie's turn at the desk

"Hello and welcome to the Tursk estate manager's office, how may I help you today?"

"We are looking to buy a house"

"Certainly, may I know of your price range?"

Mike gave a smile and spoke

"Anything 25.000 and under"

"I see, do you have any preference where the house is located?"

Mike was about to say as close to the dungeon as possible but was cut off by Julie that spoke

"Somewhere within walking distance of the dungeon"

"Certainly, let me check the register…"

Mike asked Julie why she wouldn't want to be as close to the dungeon as possible with his eyes and she gave a slight smile before she answered

"The dungeon isn't safe and neither is the surrounding area"

Mike gave a nod

'Well that makes sense, this isn't a game…'

After a while the receptionist was done looking through the big book she stood in front of, then after she gave a nod she spoke

"There are six residnece that fit your requirements, would you like to see them today or would you like to make an appointment later?"

Mike and Julie exchanged looks before they both gave a nod and Mike spoke

"Let's see them today"

"Certainly, one moment"

The receptionist walked out back and soon another receptionist took her spot at the counter, the she returned wearing a coat and opened the counter before she walked past it and gestured for Mike and Julie to follow after her

"Please follow me, I'll show you to the houses"


Mike and Julie walked out of the estate management office after the receptionist, as they walked out they linked up with the rest of the group that followed after the receptionist, after walking for a while she spoke to Mike

"I see you have some mounts with you… A wolf and a griffon?"

Mike gave a nod

"Yeah Serina and Molly, what about them?"

"Well… If you need space for them then we can cross two house off the list"

"Okay, that's fine… Sorry we forgot to mention them"

The receptionist gave a smile

"Don't worry about that"

Soon the group arrived at the first house, it was made of wood and stood two stories tall and had a yard that was rather unkeept and messy with tall grass and weeds everywhere, but there was a small brick path to the front door, after looking around the house which had two bedrooms one of which was upstairs, a kitchen/living room and two toilets Mike was very statfied and asked for the price, the receptionist gave a nod and spoke

"This one is 17.000, do you want to see the other houses?"

"Yeah, show the way"

The next three houses were in similar shapes as the first although the last one was made of bricks and cost 21.000, after Mike and Julie talked about it they eventually decided on the last house that had a kitchen/living room, two bedrooms, two toilets with bathtubs in each one along with a shack in the yard with place for Serina and Molly and so after they went back to the estate office they brought the house and received the keys to their brand new home, then after walking around and buying daily necessities and other stuff for the house evening arrived and they returned to the house and cooked some food before they ate and then retired to their bedrooms, Elina and Rebecca shared a bed downstairs while Mike and Julie slept upstairs…

The next morning Mike slowly awoke feeling nice and refreshed just like he had been all the other nights they had spent on Threa so far

'Maybe it's the increased mana density?'

After staring into the ceiling for sometime he sat up and stretched before he stealthily climbed out of bed leaving Julie sleeping, then he went to the upstarts bathroom and washed up, like the port city where they had arrived on Threa, Tursk had water towers so there were faucets where one only had to turn the faucet for water to flow out, after washing up Mike walked back into the bedroom and saw that Julie was awake or at least mostly awake, she was sitting up in the bed and rubbing her eyes with slightly messy bed hair, Mike gave a smile and greeted her

"Good morning Julie"

"Fuwaa~ Mike~ carry me~"

Mike gave a wry smile and walked over to the side of the bed where Julie sat with her arms spread out, given the fact that she only was wearing a thin nightgown and that she was a rudy sleeper that tended to mostly or rather completely strip out of her clothes during the night Mike was hit for critical damage, that combined with the fact that she was acting spoiled due to not being properly awake had him on his last straws of reason

"Mike carry me~"

'Oh gawd now she's pouting…'

Mike took another critical hit but managed not to push her back down on the bed because he was curious what she wanted, thus he walked over to the side of the bed and picked her up in his embrace, Julie hugged his neck tightly and snuggled up to him, Mike gave a slight smile and asked

"Where to now, princess?"


"Sure, right away princess"

Mike carried her out of the bed room and across the narrow hallway into the toilet before she let go of him and walked over and sat down on the toilet, Mike took the hint and walked out of the toilet and covered his ears and counted to thirty before he removed his hands from his ears, it was not that he minded hearing Julie do her business on the toilet it was her that would get rather shy about it if he didn't cover his ears

'Well it's not like I'm into that kind of stuff anyways…'

Mike the walked back into the toilet and picked Julie up off the toilet before he asked her

"Where to now Princess?"

Julie was a little more awake now and had a slight blush on her face as she realized how spoiled she was acting, but after deciding to let go of her pride she commanded Mike

"Back to the bedroom, I need to get dressed…"

"Yes, at once princess"

Julie lowered her head in embarrassment as Mike carried her back to the bedroom and sat her down on the bed, or at least he tried to as she held onto him and the two of them tumbled down on the bed…

After some, well… 'Morning exercise' the two of them got dressed once again and headed downstairs where Elian and Rebecca greeted them

""Good morning master, mistress""

Mike was unfazed by their greeting and raised his hand at them before he sat down at the dinner table, but Julie was a little shy and played with her hair before she also sat down and Elina served the breakfast which consisted of leftovers proviant from the journey to Tursk and a couple of jugs of water, since the biscuits and jerky was both dry and in the case of the jerky salty, while Mike chewed on some jerky he asked Elina

"Elina how much of this stuff do we have left?"

Elina drank some water before she answered

"We have about three meals worth left"

Mike gave a nod

"Take the jerky and put it aside… We can use it for when we venture into the dungeon"

"Understood master, what about the remaining biscuits?"

"Well… let's just eat them as is at a later point"

After the breakfast passed Mike talked with Julie and decided to leave Molly to watch the house instead of Elina or Rebecca as they would need all the all the manpower they could have in their first venture into the dungeon, soon they were ready to depart and left the house and Molly behind before they headed to the guild to learn about the dungeon, when they arrived at the as usual busy guild they learned that there was no need to take proofs of extermination as the guild didn't pay for that, instead they had to dig out monster crystals from the chest of the monsters and the guild would then buy those, if one was lucky there would be a monster core instead of a crystal which one then could break and earn experience and the change of learning a skill or sell it at the guild, Mike gave a nod and then the group headed towards the dungeon that was located in the middle of the city