Subordinate number three

"Good… Nice to meet you Clare, we're going to be the best of friends"

"Fuck you!"

"Yeah, yeah… Elina do me a favor and gag this feisty one"

"Yes master"

Elina gave a smile and gagged Clare with a piece of cloth before she quite effortlessly lifted her up and carried her over he shoulder, what Elina didn't expect however was that the moment she lifted up Clare, Clare tired to knee her in the face, Mike however reacted fast and blocked the knee before he told Elina

"You know what, sit her down and ungag her"

"...Yes master"

While Elina was getting the gag off Clare Mike turned to the slave manager that was watching the show and asked

"What level is she?"

"She's level 2"

"I see… Elina give her your shortsword"

"Eh..? But master I don't think that's wise"

"Did I ask your opinion?"

"No master, sorry master"

Elian drew her shortsword and handed it to Clare that looked at Mike confused, but she still took it before she stepped away from Elina, Mike stood and spun the knife around for a bit before he sheathed it again and took an open hand stance and spoke

"Here's the deal, I don't like your attitude so I am going to beat some respect into you before I take you back home… Now you are welcome to fight back and if you manage to beat me I'll let you go free, how does that sound?"

Clare looked at Mike like he was stupid before she gave a laugh and switched to a backhand grip on the shortsword

"You truly are an idiot, but fine I'll play with you for a bit"

Clare inched forwards towards Mike for a bit before she suddenly sprang into action, she went straight for the kill with a slash aimed at Mike's throat, Mike however simply leaned back a bit while the tip of the shortsword missed him with a few centimeters as he dodged he stepped to the side and then he hit Clare straight in the solar plexus with a right hook before he stepped back and waited for her to recover with a clam smile on his face as he mocked

"What? Are you done already?"

"Fuck… You..!"

Clare slashed out with the shortsword, this time more in fury than before, Mike easily dodged and clocked her right on the chin with another right hook, Clare staggered backward, her head was dizzy from the strike to her chin before she spat out some blood, Mike gave a slight smile and spoke

"Oh, don't do that… You'll get me all excited"

"You sick fuck!"

Clare slashed out again, at the same time she guarded her chin with her free hand, Mike easily dodged the slash and hit her in the stomach again, this time she kneeled over and passed out, Mike gave a sigh and kicked the shortsword away which Elina picked up before he picked her up personally before he turned to the slave manager and spoke

"We'll see you if when we need more slaves"

The slave manager gave a slight bow as he spoke

"I look forwards to your patronage"

Mike gave a nod and walked away along with the rest of the group…

When Clare woke up again she found herself in a house sitting on a chair, she tied to move but found that her wrists were bound along with her legs, she was completely bound to the chair


She tried to move a bit without attracting any attention but her hopes of a silent escape were shattered when a voice spoke up

"She's awake"

"Got it, go get master"

Clare gave a sigh and opened her eye before she looked around, she was in a bedroom bound to a chair, in front of her sat one of the young women she had tried to escape from earlier, seeing as she could not escape by herself Clare tried to persuade the young woman in front of her which looked to be in her late teens

"Hey, can't you let me go?"

The young woman gave a smile and shook her head and then spoke while a red light flashed in her eyes

"Don't worry, you'll see Master's greatness soon"

'She's crazy… Looks like I have to escape on my own… first are these bindings…'

Unfortunately for Clare Mike entered the room at that very moment, he wore a calm smile on his face and drew the knife before he began spinning it around while he closed in on Clare, then when he arrived right in front of her he stopped spinning it around and wielded it in a reverse grip before he swiped it across her cheek drawing only a single drop of blood, then next when Clare heard him speak the word 'Control' she felt some sort of suction force that drew her out of her own body, then as she watched her own body in horror some red muck emerged from the floor and entered her body, from there it all went dark…

The next morning Mike awoke in his bed next to Julie that was sleeping still, he sat up on the bed and stretched before he sneaked out of bed and walked across the hall into the bathroom and washed his face before he walked back into the bedroom and saw that Julie had awoken, she looked more awake than she did yesterday so Mike simply greeted her

"Good morning Julie"

Julie stifled a yawn before she greeted him back

"Morning Mike…"

Mike gave her a good morning kiss and asked her

"Are you ready for another dungeon run?"

Julie gave a smile

"We have to go buy a weapon for Clare too"

"Yeah, let's do that first"

After they got dressed they went downstairs and found the three servants at work in the kitchen, Clar's ears twitched when Mike walked downstairs before she turned to him and bowed down as she spoke

"I apologize once again for my behavior yesterday master"

Mike gave a wry smile, this was the 3rd time she had apologized to him, so he diced to make this the last time

"It's okay Clare I forgive you completely"

"But I was too rude to master… Please I request that you punish me somehow master"

Mike let his eyes wander, sure he could find plenty of ways to 'punish' a beautiful busty beastwoman, just as his fantasies were running wild he felt a tingle up his spine and quickly got his mind off of the gutter before he cleared his throat and asked

"Can punish you anyhow I see fit?"

"Yes master"

"I see… then here I go"

Mike then proceeded to flick Clare's ear with his finger which caused her to let out a strangely erotic yelp, Mike gave a wry smile as he received a cold stare from Julie before he spoke

"There, punishment delivered"

"Th-Thank you, master…"

Mike looked at her ears which had turned crimson like the rest of her hair/fur when he had evolved her, while he admired his handiwork he remembered something and asked Clare

"Oh right, that reminds me, what kind of weapon do you use Clare?"

Clare thought for a moment before she answered kind of awkwardly

"Well… I use every weapon, don't you remember when you evolved my [Jack of all trades] skill to [Bloody Jack] yesterday master?"

"Oh, I do remember… Actually wish I kind of didn't… Anyway, you must have some sort of weapon you prefer don't you?"

Clare fell silent for some time, Mike didn't rush her he just waited for her to speak

"Then… A mace?"

"Why does that sound like a question? Are you not sure?"

"No�� I am sure Master, I want a mace, it also pairs well with my [Heavy blows] skill"

"I see, well then a mace you'll get, let's go shopping after breakfast"

"Yes Master"

After eating the group left Molly behind to watch the house and went shopping, after walking for a little while they arrived in the east district, better known as the blacksmith's district, speaking of districts the west district was the merchant district while the north was the noble district and the south was the residential district, if the city of Tursk was a clock their house would be at around five, that is to say, a little closer to the blacksmith's district than the merchant district if that makes any sense

"Master this shop looks and smells good"

Mike looked over and saw Clare pointing towards a relatively small shop and asked her

"I get that it looks good, but how does it smell good?"

"It smells of well maintained weapons of course master"

"I see, well then let's take a look"

The group left Serina outside and walked into the shop, inside the shop the walls were lined with various kinds of weapons, there was also a counter that was empty behind the counter was a door were faint sounds of metal being forged could be heard