Walking south

Mike eventually passed out. When he woke up again he was still in the same room and he figured that not much time had passed, he quickly got on his knees before he managed to stand up, his hands were still tied behind his back

"Shit should have cut the robes before I used [Drink]..."

Mike looked around for a sharp object in the room and quickly found a rather blunt knife. After struggling for a few minutes he eventually managed to cut the ropes that bound his hands then he stripped one of the dried corpses and put on the uniform before he picked up the blunt knife and spun it around a few times while thinking

'...I need to get out of here first, everything comes after'

Mike threw the rags he had been wearing into the furnace before he opened the door to outside, then he blinked a few times before he closed the door again

'...Wait that isn't right'

Mike then opened the door again, it was snowing outside

'Looks like I am not on Thera anymore… Probably somewhere north of it?'

Mike walked out in the snow, now thankful for the thick uniform and looked around, the mining base seemed to be situated on a mountain side with buildings built up the mountain and dark tunnels cut into the mountain with human hands

'Well then, down the mountain we go…'

Mike acted calm and walked down the mountain, he met some other people in the same uniform on the way, but he just greeted them normally and they greeted him back, soon he made his way to the bottom of the mountain and without any problems walked right past the gate out onto a dirt road that was covered with a thin layer of snow, following the road for about half an hour Mike arrived at a walled city

'What do I do now..? Let's try to head into the city, then get another set of clothes…'

There were not any other people queuing up to enter the city at the gate so Mike walked up to the guards and spoke out

"Hey there"

"Hello, ID please"

Mike gave a nod and cheeked his pockets before he put on an awkward look and cleared his throat

"Erm… It looks like I forgot it back at the mines…"

The guard gave a sigh and looked over at another guard that gave a shrug and spoke

"There's no report of any missing slaves, just let him in"

'Well, that's because I am sneaky…'

Mike walked past the gates into the city before he found an ally on a busy street and waited, the sun eventually went down and the night got even colder than the day had been but eventually Mike's plan bore fruit as a drunk man walked into the ally and took a piss against a wall before suddenly a dull knife appeared in his vision before it was stabbed into his eye as a hand covered his mouth, the drunk man struggled for a bit before he went limp, then Mike cheeked his pockets and found some cash, 463 to be exact

'Well let's change clothes for now…'

Mike changed his clothes to the ones that the drunk man was wearing before he walked out of the ally caring the dull knife in his hand

'...I am going to freeze to death if I sleep outside… let's find an inn, should be one on this street'

Mike quickly found an inn and paid 200 for a room for the night, after eating a decent meal on the ground floor Mike walked up to his room and closed the door behind him before he sat down on the bed and breathed a sigh before he began planning his next move

'I need to leave the city tomorrow, but first I need some ID so I need to go to the temple… From there a weapon is a must...I wonder what happened to the knife..? Oh that reminds me…'

Mike made a silent prayer before he muttered

"[Blood control]"

He could feel about 10 connections but they felt like they were too far away to speak directly to so he gave a sigh and canceled the skill before a thought crossed his mind

"Hopefully Julie is okay… Shit, I am going to end Hector… And soon'

The night passed peacefully and the next day dawned, Mike ate breakfast and made his way to the temple where he lined up and asked to have a new ID made to which the receptionist asked him

"And how did you lose your old ID?"

Mike gave a wry smile and explained

"Well, I was out drinking yesterday and then… You know, I lost it"

The receptionist gave a sigh and spoke

"Then please put your hand on the crystal ball"

"Sure thing, I am a demon by the way so don't freak out"

"I won't, now please put your hand on the crystal ball"

Mike breathed a sigh of relief and put his hand on the crystal ball that then shone in a vermilion light before it stopped and an ID card was printed out of the magical apertus which the receptionist then handed to Mike as she spoke

"Don't lose it again please"

"I won't"

Mike paid the 100 fee for a new id card and then he walked out of the temple through the streets until he found a weapon shop and asked the guy behind the counter

"I am looking for a knife or dagger, but I only have 100 left"

The guy behind the counter gave a frown before he walked out back, when he returned he had an old dagger with him that was about 18 centimeters long with 10 centimeters of that being the blade and laid it on the counter

"100, take it or leave it"


Mike paid the 100 and was left with only 63, then he quickly left the weapon shop and covertly used [Blood control] to cheek which direction to head in and conveniently it was the opposite direction than the mines were

'South huh…'

Mike soon walked out of the south gate with a brisk pace

'Hopefully, I reach the next town or city before night…'

Mike walked along the road for most of the day, but as the sun slowly went down over the horizon he had not yet seen the walls of another city

"Well… Shit..."

Just as he cursed he heard a howl in the distance and looked back, along the road he could see a bunch of eyes that glowed from the last light of the sun

"Well… Shit…"

A red light flashed in Mike's eyes before he suddenly showed a smile

"I can't die here… Can't die before I drain Hector's blood"

Mike spun the cheap dagger around to warm up his cold numb fingers and hands while the pack of wolves slowly began circling around him, now this would be no problem if he had his full strength, but after what probably had been years of abuse his body was worn down and he could only use about 35% of his past strength

"Come on… Attack already…"

Mike spun the cheap dagger around at increasing speeds as he watched the wolves slow approach him from all sides

"Well, at least they're not Serina sized, which is nice…"

The next morning Mike awoke, he had climbed a tree and was covered in fresh wolf furs to fight off the cold, he was still freezing though so he quickly jumped down from the tree and found a branch which he hanged the wolf furs on before he took it over his shoulder and continued walking south along the dirt road that was covered in a thin layer of snow, after walking for most of the day which munching on dried up wolf meat that tasted horrible Mike arrived at another city where he sold his wolf furs at the local guild before he decided to rest for a day since his body wasn't in top shape

'Well, thanks to the wolves from yesterday I am back to at least 40% of my former strength… I should use some of the money I earned from the wolf pelts to buy some sort of transport while I still am recovering… Maybe join a caravan escort heading south?'

Mike shook his head, he didn't want to get too close to other people right now, firstly because he was weakened and secondly because he wary of being betrayed again

'Yeah, I should keep being on my own…'

Mike laid down on the bed in the room he had rented in a local inn and slowly closed his eyes, thought raced through his mind and suddenly a thought crossed his mind and he mumbled

"I wonder how long I was a slave for?"

The more Mike thought about it the more curious he got, after some time he sat up before he left the room and headed towards the local temple where he quickly got a prayer room and put his hand on the crystal ball that shone in a crimson light before it showed his status

Name: Mike

Class: Blood demon

Age: 29

Level: 4

Skills: [Knife control] [Drink] [Blood body enhancement] [Blood for blood] [Blood control] [Blood storage] [Blood diabolism]

Experience: 240.109.563/ 500.000.000

Mike felt a headache come on before he muttered

"Three years?"

Mike started at his age for a long time before he suddenly yelled

"Three fucking years!?"