Their dear master

Elina and Rebecca's mana eventually stopped circulating around in their bodies, Mike didn't know this yet but for a level 5 of any class or even a level 2 mage it was extremely dangerous for them to stop circulating their mana, this was related to how spells were cast, one didn't need to chant elaborate incantations to cast a spell, although some mages still did it anyway to help with their concentration, no one needed to guide the mana through a series of 'gates' inside the body to cast magic and thus by stopping the circulation of mana they basically stopped being able to cast spells, of course, this included offensive spells but also basic enhancements that passively 'buffed' their physical abilities. Still, the two of them were still able to level a city the size of the one they were walking into without mana but it would be significantly easier to do if they had their mana circulating, as the circulation stopped the oppressive feeling also disappeared from the two of them and a keen observer would be able to see that their eyes dimmed somewhat

"Well then, let's head into the city, dear knight commander lead the way"

Gelleia gave a nod and walked towards the gates at a brisk pace, Mike and his servants followed behind her, the group attracted some attention from the onlookers, a few prominent merchants waiting in line even bowed their head as they recognized Gelleia, Rebecca shook her head slightly, she was filled with disdain for this mere blood bag that was named G… Something?

'Wait what is her name again..?'

Rebecca tried to remember but eventually found it too bothersome as she swallowed her silva for the nth time today, she was thirsty for blood and had been for about a days time, as the group walked into the capital city, Rebecca's eyes held a cold indifferent look, she didn't feel above the people in the city, no she felt very equal with even the weakest person in the city

'After all, I was a mere… Blood bag before master made me immortal… a slave waiting for her demise even…'

As the time as a slave briefly passed through her head she once again thought about the time she and Elina were branded in the capital of Threa, what she remembered was… Unpleasant to say the least, but luckily after a few days her and Elina dried up from the lack of blood and were swiftly buried in a mass grave, from there they waited a few months before they were located by the members of the army that had been in Tursk via the special connection that bound them together and after the slave crest was scrapped of their bodies they were fed fresh blood and revived

'So far we have caught two members of the hammer party… One managed to commit suicide while the other was branded and now serves as a servant awaiting masters return to judge him…'

Speaking of Mike to her Mike was a bright star, he was an immortal god in her eyes she was never worried about him when he was enslaved for she knew that something above held its hand over him, she was convinced that her master and her master alone was the one that would break the level barrier and ascend to be a god

'The fact that he doesn't need my help but has selected me anyway is a great honor… A honor I must live up to…'

Rebecca snapped out of her thoughts as a child had run over to her and was pulling at her arm, she stopped and kneeled down as she asked

"What's wrong little one?"

The child had tears in his small eyes and spoke in a quiet voice

"I can't find mom…"

Rebecca looked up towards Elina that was giving her a strange look, Rebecca sent her a few hand signals that told her to carry on and protect master while she dealt with this, Elina gave a sigh and shook her head as she though

'You gluten... '

Elina knew that the child that had stopped Rebecca was about to be drained of blood in a nearby ally, such things had happened before, as for why she could be sure Rebecca was going to kill the child? It was simple, Rebecca only fed on people that were younger than her, something about it helped to maintain her youthful looks or some such

'Well whatever, not like I am behind her in terms of looks…'

Elina wore a confident look on her face as her eyes drifted towards Mike

'I wonder what master thinks of my looks… He always treats me like a child…'

Elina pouted as she thought about how Mike often ruffled her hair, but slowly the pout on her face turned into an enchanted smile

'Well, I like when he touches my hair… So I guess it's like a reward…'

To Elina her master was her sun, her everything she believed that he was a higher being sent by the heavens to elevate a select few above the rest and she happened to be the second on selected for such a privilege

'An honor no one can take from me…'

A red light shone in Elina's eyes as an enchanted smile showed on her face as she gazed at the back of Mike's head as her resolve hardened

'If master wanted my heart I would rip it out of my chest, kneel down and present it to him with joy…'

As Elina fantasized about the pleasure she would gain from physically presenting her still beating heart to her master Rebecca appeared from a shadow and seamlessly blended into the group again, Elian looked at her and gave a sigh before she caught Rebecca's attention and then she pointed to her own lips, Rebecca got the message and licked the trace of blood off her lips, Elina gave a sigh before she turned her attention back at Mike that was spinning the knife around

'He only does that when he's happy… Or when he's about to kill someone… I wonder what fool offended my dear master this time…''

A smile drew up on Elina's lips as she thought about it…

Without any major accident the group arrived at one of the mansions in the middle of the city, grand walls surrounded the mansion. The guards recognized Gelleia and opened the gates for her, as she was about to walk through the gate Mike put a hand on her shoulder stopping her as he looked at the walls. although they were not as grand as the ones around the mansions in the capital of Thera, they were grand indeed... Mike looked over his shoulder at Elina that had her eyes closed for a little while before she opened them and shook her head slightly

'Looks like the walls aren't covered with formations either, we don't have to worry about a repeat of what happened last time…'

Mike showed a smile and raised his hand from Gelleia's shoulder before the group walked into the courtyard, ahead of them at the entrance of the mansion stood an aged butler along with a sizeable group of maids that all bowed down as soon as the group walked into the courtyard, Gelleia looked a little surprised before she put two and two together and realized that the wall guard must have given the mansion a head's up about her return, the aged butler was the first to rise and spared a look at Mike and his servants before he spoke to Gelleia

"My lady, forgive me if I am wrong but you were supposed to be on a mission for twenty-three days still, has there been a change in your schedule?"

Gelleia showed a slight smile, yeah there had been a change alright, her entire elite knight's battalion had been killed by the man that was standing behind her playing with a knife, but for the sake of her own hide she showed a smile and spoke

"Yeah, there has been a slight change… I bring a guest from Thera… Is esteemed farther in his office?"

The old butler gave a nod and once again gave the group a once over before he spoke

"Yes, but I am afraid he's busy, please dear guests allow me to settle you down as you must be weary from your journey… Young lady, I can pass a message to the master? I am sure he'll make time for you around dinnertime"

Gelleia gave a nod before she followed after the butler into the mansion, Mike and the rest followed along while staying silent, after Mike sat down in a couch with his servants behind him Gelleia walked over to the old butler and spoke in a quiet almost voice

"Please pass these words to my esteemed father… My life is in their hands"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the old butler as he once again looked over the guests before he gave a nod at Gelleia and walked out of the room, Mike showed a smile as he had heard what Gelleia had told the butler, alas he didn't really care what the master of this mansion was going to do as he had Elina and Rebecca standing right behind him

'...At least be sure to put on a good show…'