Knowing is half the battle

Mike dropped a ripped piece of ignitor paper on the pile of drained corpses, he had finished testing his spells and thus was ready to return to the academy

'It's a shame that I can only use four spells for now…'

Blood freeze, Blood frenzy, Blood explosion, and Blood boil was the four spells he could use, now he had more points and he could make more spell points than that

'....The problem is that while this is a magic academy it mostly specialises in teaching level 3 and 4 mages and not level 5's like myself, not to mention that I use a type of magic that the academy has never seen before…'

The issue with making spell paths at random was that it was very dangerous and could result in instant death thus Mike only used the four spells he was sure would work and not kill himself instantly, he simply needed more knowledge about how paths and points worked before he felt comfortable in experimenting any more