Julie's home city

The harbormaster sat in his office comfortably leaned back in his chair as he waited for the next extortion to go though, a particularly wealthy-looking ship had just entered his harbor so he was in a good mood for the upcoming negotiation

"What's the name of the ship again?"

"It's the 'bloodhound' sir"

"The bloodhound huh… Who the fuck names a ship that?"

"I have no idea sir"

As he chatted with his assistant knocking sound out in the room as someone knocked on the door, the harbormaster gestured to his assistant to open the door, she walked over and opened the door, when the harbormaster saw who was behind the door he showed a slight frown, Mike registered that and asked bluntly

"What? Something on my face?"

The harbormaster waved his hand dismissively at Mike

"I don't negotiate with slaves, go get your master"

Mike narrowed his eyes as he spoke

"Rebecca, break his legs"

"Yes master"