Hitting back

Mike didn't talk about the illusion with Julie

'I don't want to worry her about this…'

Over the next few days, Mike returned to the void in his dreams he would spend what felt like weeks at a time gazing at the person that floated in between stars and planets, they were still sleeping so peacefully, Mike wanted to reach out and wake them up so he could ask what exactly was going on but he always stopped right before his hand touched their face, as Mike was slowly going more and more insane by his dreams an elderly man in his 70's was walking down a hallway, he had just gotten out of bed and wherever he went in this building people would stop and bow to him as he walked past, soon he arrived in an audience hall, he walked up the stairs to the elevated thone and then he sat down on the thone, he was the archbishop a level 7 [Paladin] that had gotten the skill [Holy bestowal] which allowed him to forcefully ensure that a person's class would be that of a [Paladin] though a ceremony