
Mike got handed a long gun, some sort of AR as Halfdan explained

"This here is a Colt C7 rifle, it's used by the army and if you're going to be sent out to fight you'll be using one of these"

"...I won't be sent out without basic training right?"

"Nope, you won't be deployed overseas before you finish basic combat training, which will take you 3 months if your fast"

"That's nice to know"

"Well it stood in the contact, but who reads that stuff am I right?"


"Anyway, you are going to be spending a few weeks leaning this thing in and out, first things first---"

Halfdan went over the rifle in detail a few times asking Mike questions about how he thought a part worked and so on before he explained it in detail

"Oh right, I forgot to mention but I am your team leader and we will be training together with the other members this evening, so be sure to show up 8 on the dot in the training hall"

"Sure thing boss"