[Blood domination]

"So… Where is this?"


"I mean the name of this island"

"Oh… This is Urgurg, it's a rather high mana density island, our king is a level 7 much like yourself your lordship"

Mike sipped his tea before he closed his eyes and sensed the connection to his servants before he pointed in a direction and asked

"What's in that direction?"

The lord followed Mike's finger and thought for a moment before he answered

"I can't be 100% sure without consulting a map but… Probably the continent"

"Ah… That makes sense…"

"Your lordship?"

"Oh it's nothing, do you happen to know how long it is to the continent?"


The lord thought for a few moments before he answered

"There are at least 3 islands in between here and the continent… It's serval months by ship"

'So probably several weeks if I flew… That won't work as I don't have a map, the last thing I want to do is crashland in the sea, that reminds me, I forgot to check my skills when I was at the temple…'