
The horde of Wind spirit's moved like a swarm of locusts across the land, killing and eating any person, animal, or magic beast they found, the small villages and settlements were wiped out by them and Mike performed a blood sacrifice at every one of the villages, after all, who would say no to free blood?

'...We should be reaching the next city to the north within a few hours'

Mike showed a smile, he was matching along with the rest of the regular army, he chatted with the Wind spirits to boost their morale, something which proved to be very effective

'...Well as long as they're happy'

Soon the horde approached the next big city, or rather Mike did, he had decided to do a sneak attack on the city with the level 7 Wind spirits and that was easier to do when the gates already were open, they flew close to the ground, and when they were about 3 kilometers out they were spotted by the guardsmen on the walls

"But that's too late!"