
Mike picked up the newly acquired shield and looked it over, it was in surprisingly good shape considering he had just hit it with the hammer, though it seemed to be regenerating slowly

"I think I'll keep you"

Mike put the knife back in its sheath before he picked up the shield and began walking back towards the city, however, he suddenly stopped and looked to the top of the walls where Groge stood and looked down upon him with a look of smouldering rage, the army Mike had just defeated was his achievement to be made, not Mike's, alas Groge weren't that stupid and had seen how Mike had eliminated seven level 8's with ease, so he kept his rage hidden (as best he could, which was pretty badly) and gave a huff before he turned away and gave the orders to give chase to his aside that would pass the order down the chain of command, Mike soon returned to the city and sat on the top of the southern walls and waited for Julie to return with the Wind spirit army as he hummed a song…