
"Now then… Try to follow along as best you can"

Mike made a series of slow warm-up movement's, he had taken off his shirt and only wore pants so his ever muscle movement was clear for Mel to see, as he made the movement's which seemed hypnotic on their own his body slowly sunk into the solid stone floor under him, Mel noted that all the power Mike now carefully wielded was challenged downwards through his entire body, this made the cracks on the stone floor spread ever so slowly like spider webs as Mike continued with his slow yet powerful moves, then before Mel knew it was over, she suddenly remembered to breathe before she suddenly complimented Mike

"That was beautiful, General!"

Mike showed a smile before he asked

"Have you memorized it?"


"Then try it out, I'll correct your posture if it goes wrong as it might be slightly dangerous otherwise"

"Yes, General!"