First class

When Mike arrived at the city 3 days later he didn't even bother to land he simply began churning his mana at full speed in the air, after about 30 seconds the city lord came flying into their and appeared in front of Mike where he humbly spoke

"What can I do for you lord?"

"...If you kill yourself now I can spare your city from destruction"


Mike sighed before he spoke again

"The assassin, that was you, don't bother trying to explain… You sure are bold to send an assassin after someone under my protection"

The city lord paled before he quickly attempted to run, or rather fly away, only he found himself unable to move, he could only look at Mike in horror, Mike then flew upwards a little so that the city lord and the city under him was in a straight line, then he used a drop of his own blood on the shield as he spoke

"[Elder blood bestowal]!"