Border fort

"This looks good… Secure it"

"Yes, General"

Mike was currently looking at a border fort, as for why it looked good? That was because the presence of the new guardian of the wheel was closing in and was less than 2 days away, thus a defensible structure would be to their advantage as long as they secured it before the guardian arrived, thus Mike ordered that they secure the border fort

"Beel… You there?"

A few seconds passed before Beel's voice sounded out next to Mike

"Yes, Mike?"

"...Can you send over a couple of dragons? 2 should be enough"

"What do you need the dragons for?"

"...Just a hunch, my stomach has been in unease ever since they closed within a weeks distance"

"I understand Mike… I'll send over 2… Would Azroth and Tairiss be fine?"

"Yeah that's fine… I'll contact you again when I stand with the head of the guardian in  my hands"

Beel chuckled for a bit before she spoke again