The deal

Mike offered his arm to Julie and then as the two nuns watched the two lovebirds walked out onto the street, Julie was currently wearing a set of leather armor and so was Mike with his various weapons hanging off it, people looked at them oddly and some were even frightened for a moment once they saw them, but they all figured that it was some sort of highly detailed costumes.

  Mike talked with Julie in the prime worlds native language so they weren't overheard by other people, soon however Mike noticed that the people were thinning out and soon a person stood some hundred meters in front of him

"Oh, there he is"

Julie looked ahead and spotted the man Mike was speaking about

"Who's that?"


"You mean it's the guy that poisoned you?"

"Yeah, well I'm not 100% sure… But 90% sure? Yes 90% is a good percentage"

Julie sighed before she asked

"So, what do we do?"