Boyfriend that word keeps on replying in my head after the blonde bimbo came in Kyle left so here I am now sitting on the bed in the guest room just shocked and unfazed I should of known he would do something like this but I don't have time for it I have to do what I've done before put a fake smile on and pretend my world is amazing when it's really not I have to go to the studio right now to record hopefully Kyle and his bimbo won't ask where I'm going "Kylie I'm leaving see you later tonight " I yell out to her when I walk down the stairs I see Kyle kissing his bimbo I can't lie that kinda hurts but I have bigger things to worry about like how that are blocking the door so I clear my throat that look up and the bimbo actually smirks at me how I want to smack it off her so bad "excuse me your blocking the door move" bimbo said "and who are you a maid or a homeless person from what your dressing like" i look down at my outfit black joggers with a white oversized hoodie I look at her and say "neither of those I'm Kylie friend and who are you I can't figure that out I'm stuck between slut or hooker but you dress like both so you could probably be both" if looks could kill o would probably be dead right now because the look she giving me looks like she wants to end me but I received that look from Layla so I'm not that dazed by it she finally speaks up after glaring at me for a whole 5 minutes "no I'm Kyle's girlfriend Hannah and who do you think you are " me being me ignores her and push her and Kyle out of the way saying "the girl you don't mess with" and walk out of the house with a smile on my face and leaving her shocked that I stood up to her
Getting to the studio I was relieved because I didn't want to think of why Kyle didn't say anything to her or me but walking in here feels like home we designed this 5000 sq foot Studio/gym/ recording studio his took about 4 months to do after I got out of my depression faze but it was so worth it coming here to help train dancers with Kylie and record my music and just escape my reality I walk into my office it's as big as a master bedroom i start thinking of what I'm gonna sing on rising of the stars and one song came in my head and I knew it was prefect but Kyle and Hannah would have to be there so he can see that you can't hurt me and Hannah so she can learn not to mess with me the song sorry not sorry by Demi Lovato this was gong to be epic for me and my fans but not so much for the people on my bad side