Chapter 2.2

The journey was so short that he himself was amazed at it.

The edges of the dagger had already become dull, and could no longer cut the corpse. Zhou Xu was bitten by a corpse to the arm, and the piercing pain came again.

Tears began to fall.  Zhou Xu thought, goddammit, it really hurt.

His eyes began to blur, his voice began to dry up, and his body began to heat. Before Zhou Xu fell to the ground, he saw someone shooting the zombies behind him. Zhou Xu didn't have the time to see the man. 

All the zombies were solved in a few minutes. The leader of the new arrivals looked at Zhou Xu on the ground and said, "Move."

"Boss, what's he going to do? He's been bitten by a zombie. Do you want to kill him?"

The man looked at Zhou Xu, who was bloody and fuzzy on the ground. He shook his head and said, "I don't kill anybody. Move!"

He meant that Zhou Xu was still a person at the moment. If he became a zombie next time, he would not let him go. Although Zhou Xu fell down, he was still conscious. He heard the man's voice very cold, but it wasn't unpleasant to hear. It was just right

When Zhou Xu woke up again, it was late at night, and the pain seemed to have gone away. He reached out and touched the wound, and it was as if he never had a wound at all.

Sitting up abruptly, Zhou Xu confirmed the situation again. His physical and mental state seemed very good, because he found that he had two powers. One was healing power, and the other was a powerful and unusual water power.

With the corner of his mouth hooked up, Zhou Xu lay down again. 

The night was ablaze with the starry sky, the crescent moon was shaped like a hook, and there was the occasional buzzing of insects. If it weren't for the fact that it was the apocalypse, Zhou Xu would think that he had come to the field for a holiday. Breathing the clean and fresh air was the best way to relax. But it's a pity that Zhou Xu wasn't in the mood to enjoy the beautiful scenery and relax his body. He still had to get his revenge. 

The sky was turning bright in the east. The sun was rising, the horizon was red, and the air began to warm. Zhou Xu stood up, lazily stretched his arms, and then said to himself, "I'm ready to go."

Zhou Xu's plan was naturally to go on the path to revenge. The purpose of his life was very simple. He only had one goal left, which was revenge.

For Zhou Xu, he would seek revenge even for the smallest grievance. To him, a temperament of so-called tolerance was complete nonsense. Thinking about the situation in the original world, Zhou Xu went east. 

This world was not a world of immortal cultivation, so he still had to eat and drink if he wanted to play. He had not eaten any food since yesterday, and now he was so hungry that his chest was close to his back.

Hunger became an urgent problem for Zhou Xu at that moment. Fortunately, after walking for more than an hour, Zhou Xu encountered a village.The village was very quiet and there wasn't any living people around. He found a small bag of rice in a dilapidated house. Zhou Xu cooked the rice and hungrily ate it. There was no one watching him anyways, so he did not have to play the gentle Zhou Xu.

As a matter of fact, Zhou Xu hated gentle people very much, because he felt that he was not gentle at all, and most gentle people were not good people. Under the guise of doing good things, they tried to cause problems. They were, from head to toe, fishy. What was a word to describe them? Cheap. 

Zhou Xu was eating when suddenly there was a crack. His eyes immediately grew gloomy. He looked at the place where the sound came from and was prepared to attack with a water sword.

As a result, Zhou Xu stood upright, but there was no movement, just silence. Zhou Xu was also quiet because he did not feel a trace of danger, but he was very sure that there must be something or a person at the corner of the cabinet.

"Come out!" Zhou Xu shouted angrily.

There was the sound of rustling, and then a dirty little head slowly appeared behind the cabinet. Then the dirty little head asked with a look of horror, "Are you going to eat me?" 

Zhou Xu, "…"

At first, the child was frightened by Zhou Xu's look, but after Zhou Xu suddenly smiled gently, the child was not afraid anymore. After climbing out, the child looked up and asked Zhou Xu, "Brother, are you a police officer? Are you here to save me?"

Zhou Xu squatted down and rubbed the child's head. His eyebrows were bent and his smile was like spring breeze. "I'm not."

The child's face instantly shriveled, and he bit his lips, looking like he was about to cry. Zhou Xu, in line with the principle of gentleness, said softly, "I'll take you away, how about that?" 

"Ok." The child desperately nodded his head. His skinny appearance showed that he hadn't had a good meal for some time, but it was good to at least survive this far in the apocalypse.

Zhou Xu was not a saint, but he did not think he was a demon. When facing a child who was no more than six or seven years old, he would not do anything to throw him away.

What Zhou Xu meant was that since he saw the child, he will naturally be responsible for the child.

Zhou Xu prepared a bowl of porridge and gave it to the child, and Zhou Xu washed his face. Only then did he see that the child's appearance was actually a girl with red lips and white teeth. 

The little girl's name was Xixi. According to her, her parents worked in the field. Later, the apocalypse happened. Her grandfather died at the start of the apocalypse. She could only secretly live in the cellar. Fortunately, there was food stored down there by her grandfather, so she did not starve to death.

Zhou Xu followed the little girl to the cellar and searched through it. He found that there was only a little bit of rice and sweet potatoes left.

Sending the child back down to the cellar again, Zhou Xu decided to find a car first. After all, he could not take Xixi to Chaoyang Base on foot.

Xixi was very obedient. At the age of seven, she already knew a lot. If she wanted to follow Zhou Xu, she couldn't drag her feet. 

After wandering around the village and killing a few zombies, Zhou Xu then met a small group in a room.

With a sneer in his heart, Zhou Xu felt that his predestined fate of encountering the protagonist could not be avoided.

The group was a team that the male and female protagonists brought together. When they saw Zhou Xu, they were shocked, Tang Wanxin's mouth dropped open, and Ding Zhaoyu quickly returned to normal, and asked with surprise, "Zhou Xu, you are okay? That's great. We thought you and Wang Ying had already…"

"Oh, no, I'm fine." Zhou Xu smiled slightly. He liked to watch others change their faces. 

Turning around, Zhou Xu said to Tang Wanxin, "I'm sorry, Tang Wanxin. I used to be unkind to you because I liked Wang Ying, but now I know that Wang Ying doesn't like me at all."

Tang Wanxin was also shocked. This Zhou Xu was very good to everyone, but was especially fierce towards her. Now what's wrong with this?

"No, it's all right." 

"When Wang Ying and I escaped, she threw me into the mound of zombies and ran away by herself. I am really… I used to like her so much…" Zhou Xu appropriately made a sad, sorrowful expression. On the other hand, Tang Wanxin and Ding Zhaoyu couldn't say anything. They could only express surprise, and then scolded and slandered Wang Ying for what she had done. 

As he listened to their reprimands, Zhou Xu thought, all those words were for them. No matter how bad Zhou Xu and Wang Ying were, they (TW/DZ) had left them behind.

Several other unidentified people just followed suit and did not know the real situation. Zhou Xu did not explain anything else.

Some people were ready to leave. Zhou Xu said he wanted to take a person with him. As a result, when they saw that Zhou Xu was going to take a seven-year-old girl, they all hesitated.

Finally, Ding Zhaoyu said, "Zhou Xu, we are a team now. I can't agree with this. If everybody else starts taking another person with them, this team will not survive, and we don't have much food. So, if only you come with us, we will welcome you. If you take her with you, you will expose our entire team to moral danger." 

Ha-ha, this logic is perfect, Zhou Xu thought.

"In that case, so be it. You leave some food behind, and I'll take Xixi with me." 

"No, we found this food together. How can we possibly give it to you?"

"You said you found it together, so that includes my efforts. I don't need much, just my original share." Zhou Xu continued to smile warmly. 

"Zhou Xu, although you are a member of the team, but you do not have any ability. It was I and several other teammates who searched for food. Isn't it inappropriate for you to come and ask for food now?" Ding Zhaoyu had a honest face, and his expression and tone of voice give off the feeling of a political commissar of the military corps.

"But I helped watch over the car, I helped cook, and I helped carry things."

"But that doesn't require much effort, right? Zhou Xu, you take Xixi with you, and we'll just go on. We can't even come to an agreement, let alone become friends."

Zhou Xu nodded slightly, but he began to think about it. He knew that he was being unreasonable, but Ding Zhaoyu was not necessarily reasonable either. In any case, he was too lazy to argue, so it was, more than anything, better to directly grab and attack. 

Zhou Xu was still smiling, and his soft, smiling expression had never changed. "If that's the case, then let's not be friends."

After that, Zhou Xu fired a water sword towards them. Ding Zhaoyu didn't expect Zhou Xu to have an ability, so he was caught off guard. Zhou Xu's water sword hit him in the abdomen, and he instantly spit out a mouthful of blood.

"What are you doing?" Tang Wanxin stood in front of Ding Zhaoyu.

"Crack!" Zhou Xu slapped Tang Wanxin in the face. His gaze was malicious, like a poisoned sword. His look scared Tang Wanxin so much that she took a step back and accidentally stepped

In any case, the character was already OOC. Zhou Xu was too lazy to pretend to be gentle. He coldly said, "Don't think you two can conceal the fact that you locked me and Wang Ying in the warehouse. Since I am not dead, you two will pay for what you did sooner or later"

The other two men who wanted to attack Zhou Xu stopped and looked incredulously at Ding Zhaoyu and Tang Wanxin. Zhou Xu knew that as long as suspicion took root, it wouldn't be still, so he didn't need.