Tier 2 Class Promotion (Part 2): The History of the Independent World



Bang! Bang!

Shin was sent flying in the air, collides with a huge boulder and smashed on the ground, leaving him hanging with a single thread on his life (HP).

He slowly stand from a pile of rocks before drinking a 'Master Health Potion' to recover his Health back to full. Then he look at a distance not far from him and saw his clones engaging in an intense battle with a giant Werewolf.

The Moon Clone circle around the Werewolf while throwing some mid-range skills in a safe distance. The Sun Clone on the other hand is acting as the main tank while skillfully dodging the Werewolf's attack and swinging its sword in the process.

Few distance away from that battlefield is another intense battle between another Werewolf and the tandem of Whitie and Blackie.

Those Werewolves are King Class Monsters that are very hard to deal with, but the one that give him the most headache is the Werewolf that is walking towards him.