The Top 4


There are some public battles that can be spectate by other players. And the 'Battle Royale Arena' is one of them.

The powerful guilds even assigned some of their people to spectate these battles to recruit some talented players that have just promoted to Tier 2.

And currently, these guild scouts notice some remarkable players on different Battle Royale Arenas. And one of them is a swordsman that acts like an assassin.

Since the start of the Battle Royale, this swordsman managed to kill two hundred of players already. And what's more; there are also another pair of swordsmen that act like the one working solo.In the observers' stand, a group of players are currently watching these three swordsmen.

"Hey Cap't! These guys looks like in the same group. And their movements also have a lot of similarities. Perhaps they already belong to an organization. So let's stop wasting our time on them." Said by a Master Twilight Dark Elf impatiently.