'Dissonant Wish'


After two hours of waiting, the newly upgraded [Dawn's Mantle] was delivered to Shin. And he immediately checks its features. The mantle's color is similar to the one that a crow has, the same goes for the feathers that it have.

Shin nodded his head since the new appearance of the mantle suits his taste. Then he opens its information window to see its details.


Item Name: [Dawn's Mantle]

Item Type: Cape (Leather Mantle)

Item Rank: Black Mithril


Physical Defense: 1000 - 1000

Magic Resist: 1000 - 1000

+50% to All Major

+30% to All Minor Stats

+10% to All Special Stats

+50% Movement Speed

+30% Elemental Resistance

+20% Flighting Speed

Additional Skill:

1. Weightless Body (Active): When activated, your body is going to become as light as feathers and fall gently on the ground.

Cooldown: 5 Minutes