Flowing Currents



Shin was back at the game and appeared in the corner of the City Plaza where he last logged out. And when he appeared on that spot, he was immediately greeted by the bursting players on the plaza. All of them were so busy with their own things. Some were coming in and out of the Teleportation Hall while others are busy selling some of their items after setting up their own stalls, and the remaining ones are busy for shopping or looking for a good item that they could buy.

It was already like this before, but the current players' traffic now was as twice as the one when the Sun-Moon Church released a bunch of quests regarding the extermination of corrupted monster nest around the Holy City. What's more, Shin was able to see the levels of these players using his 'True Sight' skill; their average levels are quite high for it averages around level-91 to Level-95.There were even some players that have a level higher than Level-96.