The Strange Uno


"My name is Uno," said Shin, no… he was Uno now. He said that while looking at Immortal who was currently looking at him arrogantly.

Immortal smirked at him and said. "Heh~! Quite a self-proclaimed, Huh? But still, I will remember-…"

But he was in the middle of talking when he was suddenly interrupted by Uno. "But I pretty much don't like the way that you are talking to me. It was as if you were saying that I will lose this battle no matter what."

Immortal was gotten a little off-guard at the sudden interruption and cold tone. But he recovered himself almost immediately and said. "Heh! Don't tell me that you are still expecting that you guys are going to win? Let me tell you, you may be able to ruin my plans, but that doesn't mean I couldn't get what I want."