The Wanderer's Luck


"The truth is-… the real reason why I am roaming around the world is because of this special Mentalism Technique," said David with a serious tone.

Hearing that, Shin raised one of his eyebrows and was still seemingly doubtful at his words. But when he saw that David was really serious right now, he started showing some signs of believing him.

Naturally, David noticed those changes in Shin's internal mood. Due to that, he started hitting the iron while it was hot. "My master and her husband originally created this technique for Sir-… I mean my master husband."

"But even if it manages to help him completely suppress his 'Seed of Hatred', he still needs some help from my master to execute it. After all, he is just a Martial-Artist and not a Dual-Practitioner or a Mentalist; he can't control a Mental Energy."