Uno shows his initial might


"Remember my name well because I am going to take your life later," said Uno before standing up straight and stretched his body a little, trying to adjust himself with his current state.

After that, he fell into a deep thought while muttering. "Let's see what we have this time."

A few moments later, he started grinning from ear to ear as if he found something interesting inside Shin's body. "Look at this, this punk really got some goodies inside him yet not utilizing it properly. He really is an id*t, heh!"

Meanwhile, Javed suddenly became enraged for being ignored once again. He glared at 'Shin' for a moment to see what this guy was thinking. But he finally lost his cool when he saw that he was really being treated like an air.

"You really gone insane, huh?" yelled Javed before stomping his foot on the ground, launching himself forward with a great speed.
