Prologue of the upcoming Battle


"And~! Here we are! We only have a few minutes before our most anticipated match," said Mr. Cool Guy.

He was one of the hosts that were chosen by True Insight to cover this match. He didn't want to accept it at first since he was too ashamed for all of the invisible slaps that Shin gave him during the Shadow Ranking Cup.

But after learning that the game event organizers chose the 'True Sight Industries' to be the official broadcasters of all special events of the game, Mr. Cool Guy immediately accepted the offer without any hesitation.

"This is going to be an interesting match. What do you think partner?" he asked as he turned his head at the woman beside him.

"Of course, this is going to be a very interesting match. It is a battle between a veteran Godlike Player and a rising star who attracted the attention of every player of the game," this girl was Marry, Miss Bunny's competitor, and greatest rival.