Getting a little Revenge



Somewhere in the Snowy Mountain Range, a group of 100 players was currently battling a gigantic golem with seven alternating colors flowing through its body. From time to time, its body was changing its features alongside the main element that it was using.


The golem swung its huge arm, trying to wipe all of the players standing in front of it. But before it could fully swing its arm, a player among the frontliners suddenly jumped in the air before activating a large-scale protective skill.


With his shout, a huge golden wall suddenly appeared in front of the golem's arm and prevented it from moving forward.


That player was a Blood Elf with full-body armor and a crescent shield on one of his arms along with a long spear on his other hand.

This person was the chief tank of the Venimuex Guild and a famous Titled Ranker within the Elven Kingdom, the Bloodstained Elf: Alvar.