Empire Quest


Easternmost Border of the Saint Heaven Kingdom.

Sky Deceiving Valley.

This place was one of the restricted maps of the game since the monsters here were way stronger than most of the players could handle.

All of the regular monsters roaming around this area were either a Level-150 Chieftain Rank Monster at the weakest or a Level-175 Commander Rank Monster at the strongest. In the meantime, the bosses that governed this area were at least a Level-200 King Class Monster Boss.

Aside from the powerful monsters residing in his place, the other reason why this map was still unexplored up until now was because of the map itself.

There was a thick fog surrounding the whole area which was fooling the senses of the players who were trying to enter this map. Navigating in this place was pretty troublesome even for the best pathfinders of the game. And due to that, no one wanted to waste their time exploring this place.