Approaching the Summit


System: Congratulations on completing the Five Penance Training Ground! And as the very first group of players to complete all of the challenges of this place, you will receive a hefty sum of rewards!

System: Calculating the accumulated rewards…


System: The rewards have been successfully sent to your inventory space!

After reading the notifications, Shin quickly checked his inventory. And right after he opened it, he immediately saw the items that were sent to him by the system.

But unlike what he was expecting, the rewards that he got were not as amazing as he was thinking. It was not like the rewards were trash among the thrash, they were just not appealing to his eyes.

For a person who was already wearing an equipment set that transcended most of the equipment available in the game, the top-notch materials that were sent in his inventory were nothing in comparison.

Not even a skill book was given to him.