The Nemesis of the Corrupted Cult (Part 6)


"Sigh~! Why is the team leader want us to stay low after all of the trouble that we've gone through?" said a member of the Corrupted Cult as they hid deep in the Sky Deceiving Valley.

"What can we do? We are against top godlike players this time, so it is natural for the team leader to instruct us to pause our movements," said another as he patted the shoulder of his colleague.

"Well, that is also true. We already suffer quite a lot of losses. The other squads are also been annihilated by those four," nodded the previous guy with a bitter tone.

After a brief moment of thinking, he immediately added. "They can't even come back here since all of the entrances of this place are being blocked by the combine forces of the Hand of Midas and Assassin Union."