The former Spear and Shield of Dark Hero (Part 1)


A few moments before Shin and the others managed to clear all of the members of the corrupted cult within the Sky Deceiving Valley, Lawless and his team were currently exploring the other parts of the valley.

"This is quite unexpected. To think that the Saint Heaven Kingdom is turning into a mess? Those bastards from the Corrupted Cult sure know how to make things big," muttered Lawless as he read the contents of the message that he just received.

He then turned to Faker who just arrived and asked. "How is it? We still can't get near the area?"

"There is a pretty strong defensive barrier around the area, so approaching it is going to be hard. It is also well hidden by an advance concealing formation which is why we can't find how large exactly it is," answered Faker.

Lawless fell into deep thought before asking another question. "How about those two? Are they really part of the Corrupted Cult now?"